
I thought ReplayTv was dead?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I thought that they were no longer making RP's anymore, and thought that it was all Tivo?

    If you had to choose one over the other, which would it be, and why?

    Ron Ablang

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Actually, I have all three formats: Replay, TiVo, and DishPlayer (similar to Ultimate TV) and I hate to admit it, but I like Microsoft product alot (maybe because it records direct from satellite so has NO loss) and then the TiVo. The Replay is actually my least favorite.

      However, now that I discovered that my WebTV keyboard works partially with the Replay, it may be easier to use and I will like it more.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What do you mean has "no loss" Wouldnt the directv/tivo combo have no loss.


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