
possible 2 manually record w/o addl features?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    is it possible to use my 5504, by manually recording and not using add'l features such as tv guide.. in case replay tv has an accidental interuption in service...?

    thanks so much

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've recently been playing with my 5504 and it appears to work just like a digital VCR for me even without the service.  My subscription had expired and I never let it connect to the service after the last day so that might have something to do with it.  Wolf865

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Add on to previous post.  Saw where someone said that their 5504 quit working as a dumb recorder after about 30 days of no service.  Mine hasn't been without service that long yet so I guess I'll be waiting to see myself now in about a week?  :(    Wolf865

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sure enough, 30 days without service and it became a dust collector!  Off to eBay with it!  Wolf

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Could you be more specific? It shut down completly? What do you see when you turn it on? Can you play already recorded programs, or are they locked out too? I am surprised by this actually, I thought it would always allow manual play.

        As an alternative, if a Mac user, look at EyeTv from Elgato systems. The software works with a lot of input devices, and is MUCH beter than a Replay, and the guide is free!Just a thought.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes you can play your recorded shows, can not record them becuase of not guide. Its basically a brick


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