
Swap hard disk between 2 Replays

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is it possible to just to a "swap" the drives between 2 Replay units?  My old 5508 has a bad board, but I was able to pick up a new 5504 at a reasonable cost.  Can I just replace the drive in the 5504 with the one from the 5508?  How does that affect the activation?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You can swap the drives, but your activation of your old 5508 won't move to you 5504 when you do so.  The activation is not based on the drive, it's based on the board.  You might want to contact replaytv, tell them your board has died, and that you'd like to transfer the activation from the dead machine to another one.  I'm not sure if they'll do this for you, but it's worth a try.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      if you also swap the EEROMs (only chip in a socket on the main board) your identity will move to the new machine.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      wrong, its flashed. Tryed it

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If I swap a good drive from a 5080 which was activated w/commercial advance into a 5504, will the commercial advance software on the 5080 function in the 5504?? Steve A.

    • A Braunsdorf

      A Braunsdorf - 2007-12-12

      I was wondering about this too.  Not to do anything shady, mind you, but to check whether the drive or the Replay is at fault.  One of my Replays was crashing whenever it accessed the Replay Guide and I wanted to try the drive in my other machine, but, as noted, the activation doesn't match and you can't do anything.  Seems like you could copy something over from the system partition to make it work, but I haven't looked into it.



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