
pulling shows off failing drive.

  • John Devereaux

    John Devereaux - 2007-09-17


    I have a drive that seems to have become corrupted somehow.  I am in the boot loop screen  ReplayTV stuck at "Please wait..." and it won't move beyond it.  I don't think the drive is "bad", but something is not "good".  I removed the drive, which is about a 2 year old Seagate 300GB drive, and ran a spinrite test on it and it passed.  I THINK it was a non-destructive test, but I'm not certain about that.

    I installed the original 40GB drive into the replay and it boots fine, the the problem is with the drive.  Here's what I was wondering.  Could I image a new drive and attempt to pull all the programming off the failing drive somehow?

    I expect something is corrupt with the boot portion of the drive, but perhaps recorded programming is okay.  It would be nice to be able to pull that programming off if possible.

    I have also looked at extract_rtv some too, but I'm confused on how to actually extract, and what to extract to, and how to get the files back onto a replay drive....

    I guess I ma babbling a lot so I'll end here.

    Thanks for reading.


    • John Devereaux

      John Devereaux - 2007-09-17

      Oh, one note.  I did try to disconnect all inputs and have only a single output connected to the TV to see if it would boot...

      I don't think the drive was filled to capacity, last I noticed there were ~40 hours at medium available on the unit.


    • John Devereaux

      John Devereaux - 2007-09-19

      I guess this forum is dead...

      I did end up attempting attempting to image a new drive with the suspect drive using rtvpatch.  That failed to produce a bootable disk.  I then attempted to use my original 40GB drive, which has been saved for a couple years since I upgraded to the Seagate 300GB drive which failed, to create a good system disk image and then tried to copy the mpeg partition of the failing drive, that did not work either.

      I made a few attempts, not knowing exactly when to apply the patch and when to restore the mpeg partition.  My results were always either an empty mpeg partition, or a non-booting replayTV.  I created a backup image of both the 40GB and 300GB system partition and attempted to restore the mpeg partition then restore a backup of the 40GB drive to the new drive, same results.

      There was one incarnation in which the Please wait... message barrier was passed, but before I could actually check any shows the replay did reboot.  So it looked like it came close to booting and then crashed.

      I finally bit the bullet and created my new system drive from the 40GB drive and have lost all shows and scheduling from the past two years.

      After all that I connected my 300GB drive onto my PC and extracted all the shows, 261 of them, onto an external 500GB USB drive.

      I have not had the opportunity to actually check to make sure the shows are good, but I suspect they are.

      I don't know why I could not retrieve the programs with rtvpatch, but I'm glad I got them with extract_rtv5.

      I guess I'll try to find a more active group to post this message to and see if I have some alternatives at this point.



      • Owen Rubin

        Owen Rubin - 2007-09-19

        Sorry, I wish I had something to add, but I do not. But it does seem as if everyone here has given up. For me, my Replay is sitting unused now in the basement given my other larger HD options now.. Good luck.


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