
RTSP Specification / News: Recent posts

RFCs are finally Published!

The RFCs are finally published after all these years of toil and delay.

Real-Time Streaming Protocol Version 2.0 - RFC7826
A Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal Mechanism for Media Controlled by the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) - RFC7825

With these news this project will now be closed.

Posted by Magnus Westerlund 2017-01-09

New version available (07)

A new version of the RTSP core specification draft is available. It can be retrived with the following link:

Posted by Magnus Westerlund 2004-07-26

New RTSP draft (draft03)

New version of RTSP draft, in anticipation of the IETF 56 meeting March 16-21 in San Francisco

Posted by Rob Lanphier 2003-03-17

New RTSP draft (rfc2326bis-01)

A new draft of RTSP was published in the Internet Drafts archive (draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc2326bis-01.txt). Details are available at
This is a revision of RFC 2326 with the goal of moving RTSP from Proposed Standard to Draft Standard.

Posted by Rob Lanphier 2002-06-13

IETF 53 Slides available

The slides from the MMUSIC meeting at the 53rd IETF meeting are now available at the MMUSIC web site at

Posted by Rob Lanphier 2002-04-02