
RTSGame / News: Recent posts

Project is closed.

Currently i have no time to continue this project.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2001-11-13

Project admin ask patience from the members

I welcome any member. As you look, you may believe that this project is still inactive. Do not worry. I am hardly working on the process of the development. Soon (about a week) i will finish and publish it. We only need to get some support manager and after it we can start the real development.

Thank you for your patience.
(Admin of the RTSGame)

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-10-01

New Document Package version 0.03 Beta

The new documentation comed out.
Changes: Discussion documentation created
Web Links: Golgotha's link added

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-27

New documentation Package version 0.0202 Beta

Now you can download the new documentation Package version 0.0202 Beta. It contains only task changes.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-24

Task cancelled by the Project Admin

Shoguns GamePlay doc:Story&GameWord task cancelled by the Project Administrator, so this task is unfilled again

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-24

New Document Package version 0.0201 Beta

There is the new documentation Package version 0.0201 Beta.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-21

A fix occupation accepted by Shogun

Now, our member, Shogun is an Internal Beta tester too.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-21

"GamePlay doc: Story&GameWork" Task filled

"GamePlay doc:Story&GameWord task is accepted by Shogun.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-21

New Task

2000.09.20 There are new unfilled tasks in the task list, for detailed information ,please read the documentation.(ToDov0p01B.Doc)

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-20

New documentation

2000.09.20 There is a new documentation package, version 0.01 Beta
Please read it, and send your suggestions or your agreement.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-20

Project language changed

2000.09.19 - The project's language changed to Visual C++ in place of Delphi

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-20

Important project news

There are important project news in the forum for the team members.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-16

New member :)

We have a new member (Tibor Pogonyi). He only play games, but he can us help greatly with his ideas.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-05

The conversation now countinues at the public forum

Because we have three members, for the better communication the conversation will go to the public forum. Soon it will be opened, I only wait for the permission to publish the old letters between the members. So please be patient.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-03

Other new member arrived :)

Now, the project enriched with an other new member
he's name is Bas Valkema. I'am welcome him in this team.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-03

There is a new member of the project

Now, the RTSGame project have got a new member.
Soon he will be added into the member list.
I hope that soon other new people will be joined, because additional coders, designers and artists needed.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-01

I finished the first design documentation

I have already finished the project's first design documentation. It's version is 0.01 and it is currently in Alpha phrase, because I have not already discuss it with other members yet. So it can be drastically change in the future. It is only contain the development phrases and the things what will need to be discuss. It was uploaded into the SourceForge add the files/release section.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-09-01

Collecting and reading informations about planning

I started to collect informations about game designing and planning to know what is the topics what I need to retrace.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-08-31

Starting this project and the planning phase

I'am starting this project and the planning phase,
and I hope I will get some help.

Posted by Andrew Cooper 2000-08-30