
syslog replacement - rsyslog / News: Recent posts

rsyslog 5.7.6 (v5-beta) released

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.6, the new v5-beta.
This is a maintenance release. It contains fixes for a memory leak and a potential abort condition. Both are triggered under non-default (and relatively seldom used) configurations. However, if these conditions are present, the bug is a really bad one.

Details to these bugs:
fixes: read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-25

rsyslog 5.7.5 (v5-beta) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.5, the new v5-beta.
This is a maintainance release. Most importantly, it contains a fix for regressions in imuxsock which could cause loss of information and also induce problem in other tools, e.g. logcheck. Please see the ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-23

rsyslog 6.1.4 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 6.1.4, the new v6-devel.
This release contains all changes and enhancements of the v5 branch. Futher more there are some new bug fixes.
Please see the ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-18

rsyslog 5.7.4 (v5-beta) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.4, the new v5-beta.
This release includes some bug fixes, the new pmsnare module and some improvements.
Please see the ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-17

rsyslog 5.7.3 (v5-beta) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.3, the new v5-beta.
This release both offers a set of new features and, at the same time, turns 5.7.3 into beta state. At first, this sounds a bit contradictory, but we do this for two reasons:

a) the new features introduced are non-intrusive in regard to the existing feature set, so no "bad surprises" are expected
b) other than that, primarily bugfixing went into this release, with only few remaining issues being open... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-07

rsyslog 6.1.3 (v6-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 6.1.3, the new v6-devel.
This release brings a number of enhancements.
First of all, it provides exciting new functionality in the form or an experimental MongoDB output plugin and various message parsers. The latter greatly increases rsyslog’s ability to common malformed syslog message formats. Also, ommysql now allows a much more fine-grained control over MySQL settings.
Then, a number of performance enhancements are made available: both imtcp and imptcp have an optimized code based and imptcp has been enhanced to be able to run multiple input threads concurrently (the same is planned for imtcp in the not so distant future). Also, imdup has now the capability to run at real-time priority, which greatly reduces the chance of message loss. Finally, there are a couple of bug fixes inside this release.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-02-01

rsyslog 6.1.2 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 6.1.2, the new v6-devel.

This release has as first release the experimental support for log normalization (via liblognorm).

Support for normalizing log messages has been added in the form of mmnormalize. The core engine (property replacer, filter engine) has been enhanced to support properties from normalized events.

Note: this is EXPERIMENTAL code. It is currently known that there are issues if the functionality is used with... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-01-28

rsyslog 5.6.3 (v5-stable) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.6.3, the new v5-stable.
This release includes some bug fixes but no new functionality.

Please see the ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2011-01-28

rsyslog 6.1.1 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 6.1.1, the new v6-devel.

This update addresses the TLS bug, that has been bothering a lot of users lately. It stops rsyslog from looping, thus disabling functionality and bearing the risk of unresponsiveness of the whole system. More details about this issue can be found here:

There are also some other bugfixes and the support for omhdfs and systemd is officially added.
For more detailed information, please review the ChangeLog.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-12-02

rsyslog 5.6.2 (v5-stable) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.6.2, the new v5-stable.
This release includes some bug fixes but no new functionality.Please see the ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-12-02

rsyslog 5.7.2 (v5-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.2, the new v5-devel.

This update addresses the TLS bug, that has been bothering a lot of users lately. It stops rsyslog from looping, thus disabling functionality and bearing the risk of unresponsiveness of the whole system. More details about this issue can be found here:

There are also some other bugfixes. For more detailed information, please review the ChangeLog.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-12-02

rsyslog 5.7.0 (v5-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.7.0, the new v5-devel. This is a feature-enhancement release. It now supports a module to periodically output statistics about rsyslog’s internal processing (like queue sizes). Also, support for the systemd effort has been added.

You can find a first guide how to use that module here.


Download: read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-09-17

rsyslog 6.1.0 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 6.1.0, the new v6-devel.
This is the first v6 release of rsyslog, beginning a new development focus. In v6, configuration shall become much more straigthforward. This release already offers action scoping, which keeps related things closer together. Other than that, it is roughly functionally equivalent to the latest v5 releases. However, there is imptcp available, a Linux-optimized plain tcp input which in theory should perform faster than imtcp (at the price of some reduced functionality).... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-08-12

rsyslog 5.5.7 (v5-beta) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.5.7, the new v5-beta.
This is a new beta version, scheduled to replace the current stable hopefully soon. It has some bugfixes over 5.5.6, and also introduces a new module, omuxsock, that provides the ability to natively write to Unix domain sockets. Feedback on this version is highly appreciated. We would like to promote it to stable by mid to end September if we do not hear anything that prevents us from doing so.
See ChangeLog for more details.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-08-09

rsyslog 4.6.4 (v4-stable) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.6.4, a member of the v4-stable branch.

This is a stability update without new features.

See ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-08-05

rsyslog 3.22.2 (v3-stable) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 3.22.2, a member of the v3-stable branch.

This is a stability update, integrating bug fixes that have become available during the past month. No new functionality is included.

See ChangeLog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-08-05

rsyslog 5.5.6 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.5.6, a member of the devel branch.

The new release provides exciting performance enhancements: on multicore-machines it can be many times faster than version 5.5.5 (which already was quite fast). Most importantly, the enhancement provides much better scalability, so adding many additional core gains much more speedup than with any previous version.

A new concept of “strgen” modules has been implemented, which permit to use high speed C code as templates. Also, support for malformed “last message repated n times” messages, as emited by some syslogds, has been added in form of a custom message parser.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-07-21

rsyslog 4.6.3 (v4-stable) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.6.3, a member of the v4-stable branch. This is a bug-fixing release which contains an improved testbench and a new configure option that permits to disable and enable an extended testbench. See Changelog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-07-07

rsyslog 5.5.5 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.5.5, a member of the devel branch. This is a bug-fixing release which contains a single fix that solves a potential hang condition on system shutdown when infinite action retries are configured for an asynchronous action using a queue in disk-assisted mode and the action was suspended. This is probably not a very common case, but a configuration recommended by our doc samples. If you do not use such a configuration, there is no need to update at this time. See Changelog for more details.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-05-20

rsyslog 5.5.4 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.5.4, a member of the devel branch.

Rsyslog has become the de-facto standard on modern Linux operating systems. It's high-performance log processing, database integration, modularity and support for multiple logging protocols make it the sysadmin's logging daemon of choice. The project was started in 2004 and has since then evolved rapidly.

Starting with today, rsyslog is not only available on Linux and BSD, but also on Sun Solaris. Both Intel and Sparc machines are fully supported under Solaris. Depending on operator need, rsyslog can replace stock Solaris syslogd or be used in conjunction with it. The later case provides enhanced rsyslog functionality without the need to change the system infrastructure.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-05-03

rsyslog 4.7.2 (v4-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.7.2, a member of the v4-devel branch. 4.7.2 is a bugfixing-release. Its primary bugfix solves problems with atomic instruction emulation. Users who have compiled rsyslog for older CPUs (like Intel 386) or CPUs for which gcc lacks atomic instruction support (like Sparc) are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the new versions. For all others, an update is optional. See Changelog for more details.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-05-03

rsyslog 4.7.2 (v4-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.7.2, a member of the v4-devel branch. 4.7.2 is a bugfixing-release. Its primary bugfix solves problems with atomic instruction emulation. Users who have compiled rsyslog for older CPUs (like Intel 386) or CPUs for which gcc lacks atomic instruction support (like Sparc) are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the new versions. For all others, an update is optional. See Changelog for more details.... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-05-03

rsyslog 4.7.1 (v4-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.7.1, a member of the v4-devel branch. This release improves the Solaris support. See Changelog for more details.



As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Tom Bergfeld

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-04-22

rsyslog 4.7.0 (v4-devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 4.7.0, a member of the v4-devel branch. This release offers Solaris support and also some fixes and enhancements. All the details you will find in 'Rainer's Blog'
and of course in the Changelog.


Download: read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-04-14

rsyslog 5.5.3 (devel) released

Hi all,

We have just released rsyslog 5.5.3, a member of the devel branch. This is a bug-fixing release containing some important fixes and also the added basic but functional support for Solaris. Furthermore there are some imported patches from 4.6.0. It is a recommended update for all users of the devel branch. See Changelog for more details.


Download:... read more

Posted by Tom Bergfeld 2010-04-09