
RSyntaxTextArea 2.5.2 Released

RSyntaxTextArea is a syntax highlighting text component written in Swing. It supports syntax highlighting for over 30 programming languages, code folding, search & replace, and has add-on libraries for code completion and spell checking.

Here's what's new in 2.5.2:

  1. Whether or not curly braces denote code blocks is now handled on a
    language-index level, not per TokenMaker. This means TokenMakers such as
    HTML, JSP, and PHP can provide auto-indentation and curly brace closing for
    'sub-languages' such as JSP and CSS.
  2. Java syntax highlighting updated for Java 8 classes, interfaces, and enums.
  3. Added "mark occurrences" support for HTML.
  4. Curly braces can now be automatically closed when editing CSS.
  5. The SearchEngine class now automatically selects the next match after a
    Replace operation.
  6. Fixed errors when loading/saving Theme XML.
  7. Fixed several bugs.

And here's what's new in the RSTALanguageSupport download:

  1. The JavaScript language support can now use JSHint for its squiggle
    underlining of errors and warnings. A .jshintrc file can be specified
    to override the default JSHint behavior.
  2. CSS code completion.
  3. Fixing bug in XML outline tree for XML files with DTDs specified.
Posted by Robert Futrell 2014-03-09

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