
Looking for RSS Reader that 'syncs' with feed

  • Andreas Heinlein


    I am looking for a RSS Reader that supports 'syncing' with the feed,
    i.e. it should do a full reload every time and not only add new articles
    to the display, but also remove those no longer listed in the feed.
    These removed articles do not neccessarily have to be the oldest ones.

    For explanation:
    We are using the OpenSource Ticketing System "RequestTracker", which
    offers open tickets for each user as RSS Feed. This is an interesting
    feature, but is a little hard to use when the RSS reader keeps old
    articles (i.e. open tickets) around which are actually already solved
    and removed from the feed. As I said, these do not need to be the oldest
    entries; it may well be that an old entry remains in the feed for
    several weeks while newer ones are removed after 2 days.

    Does RSSOwl support this behaviour? I couldn't find anything, but I
    thought maybe it's hidden somewhere...


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-08

    Not supported right now, but you can configure to delete read news. Is that sufficient? You can also install a filter and run it manually to delete news that e.g. have a specific label set.

  • BlacKHeaDSg1

    BlacKHeaDSg1 - 2014-09-21

    Use Menere since is the only RSS desktop reader that can sync with Feedly (of you even use Feedly). These devs are living under the rock if they still have syncing with Google Reader.


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