
RSS Genesis / News: Recent posts

RSS Genesis 1.1

As promised, here is a first release in a series of updates where I plan to add full support for RSS 2.0 and where I will also at adding support for the Atom 1.0 specification.

I have also added the project web site to make it nicer looking and easier to update.

Posted by Yannick Lefebvre 2006-02-26

Project Revival

After a long period of inactivity, the RSS Genesis project is coming back to life, built on the original project. The current plan is to release a version with partial support for RSS 2.0 in the next week or two. Following releases will then implement full support for RSS 2.0 and then support for Atom 1.0.

Posted by Yannick Lefebvre 2006-02-15

RSS Genesis 1.0.1

New RSS Genesis Release

Version: 1.0.1.

Fully RSS 0.91 support added.

Read more:

Posted by Klaus Roberto de Paiva 2004-12-15

RSS Genesis Start

Project Home Page Released:

RSS Genesis 1.0.0 First Release

Posted by Klaus Roberto de Paiva 2004-12-14