
#1 Moving articles causes rss2imap to re-fetch them


This program is very close to what I want. There's
only one big problem right now, and this is stopping me
using it:

I have Thunderbird set up so that it moves emails to
the trash instead of deleting them. That way I have a
permanent record of everything that goes through my
inbox. But when I do this with emails produced by
rss2imap, rss2imap loses track of them, and so it
thinks that it needs to generate them again. So I get
the same articles turning up in my inbox, over and over

This is probably quite hard to fix. The ideal solution
would be for rss2imap to keep its own independent
database recording which articles it's handled so far,
so that it never handles the same article twice.

A simpler fix would be to allow the user to configure a
trash folder, and for the program to always do a search
in there, as well as in the specific feed folder, to
see if the article already exists. I even tried doing
this modification myself, but it's not as easy as it
sounds, and I don't really have enough time to do this
properly. And anyway, it's a rather crappy solution.

I think this is something that is going to cause a lot
of confusion for lots of users, not just me, so I think
it's worth doing something about this. At least, it
would be worth adding some documentation somewhere, i.e.:

"Please note that if you move articles from one folder
to another (for example, the Trash folder), rss2imap
will lose track of them, and the email for that article
will be generated again. This is almost certainly not
what you want. So don't do that."


  • mumumu

    mumumu - 2007-05-28
    • status: open --> pending
  • mumumu

    mumumu - 2007-05-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    matthew_exon, thank you for your request and sorry for too late response.

    currently, as you know, rss2imap tracks message which is in originally
    delivered folder. To implement your request, as you say, we need to create
    db or something like cache... this is not good because the network traffic
    will increase and rss2imap will be slower. (even current version of rss2imap
    is fairly slow, i think)

    please make this request pending, because this is valuable feedback, i know,
    but the impact to current implementation is too big.

  • mumumu

    mumumu - 2007-05-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mumumu-org
  • Matthew Exon

    Matthew Exon - 2007-05-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Thanks for the response. Of course you're right, it would be a very big change.

    You may be interested that in the meantime I've moved onto using Plagger. This does have a "Dedupe" facility that uses a database to avoid downloading the same article twice. The downside is that Plagger is far more complicated to use (it's more of a perl framework than an actual application), and I've even had to write a bunch of my own modules to get things how I want. Still far from ideal, but probably better suited to my particular case.

    Anyway, thanks again,

  • Matthew Exon

    Matthew Exon - 2007-05-28
    • status: pending --> open
  • mumumu

    mumumu - 2007-05-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    matthew_exon, thank you very much for your immediate response.

    plagger is great, but as you say, it's very big framework
    and have very heavy dependencies of cpan modules. i want
    plagger to make more easily installation facility ...

    By the way, plagger's "Dedupe" facility is very interesting
    to me. i would very like to look into plagger and bring
    it into rss2imap if i can. :)

  • GS71

    GS71 - 2010-02-26

    I have exactly the same problem as Matthew.

    Is anyone still working on this project? Or is there today any other project that replaced it?



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