
Could not Find Main class. Program will Exit

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    That's the message Java gives me. I don't care if this thing is in beta, this subject comes up every two seconds on JAva's forums. If it doesn't work, don't release it.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2006-01-13

      Could you be more specific ?  Which tool are you running ?  Are you running the ZIP file or the Webstart ?

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2006-01-13

      Ahh, you are talking about the DiceTool.  The webstart version is working, apparently the build script for DiceTool wasn't updated the last time DiceTool was build.

      Thanks for the heads up, we'll get it patched up.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2006-01-13

      K, got it fixed.  You should be good to go.

      Thanks for the heads up :)

      NOTE: If you peruse our forums, you'll note that we're very quick to fix things that our users find.  In other words, don't be retarded, I can appreciate your frustration, but there are more civil ways to express them.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I don't think the token tool is working either, but that might be because I installed it and the dice in the same folder. I tried the dice thing first, and when that didn't work, I just overwrote it with the token thing. Will that have an impact?

      And yeah, the web versions work, it's just that I won't always have internet access, you know?

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-13

        btw, welcome welcome :)

        Yeah, you'll probably need to just re-unzip it.  I've downloaded and unziped both the alpha and beta versions (btw, use the alpha, it's much better) and they worked for me.  If it doesn't work after a clean unzip, send me the error and we'll get it fixed.

        We totally agree about the disconnected thing.  At some point we'll update the webstart stuff to allow you to install it as a desktop application which can be used disconnected.

        We'll bump up the priority because of your interest.

    • emryys

      emryys - 2006-01-13

      "NOTE: If you peruse our forums, you'll note that we're very quick to fix things that our users find." They sure do! :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm having the same error with both the dicetool and tokentool... maptool works fine.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just downloaded Dicetool 1.0b34 in zip format and am getting this error.


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