The lastest version of the Raid Planning (wow) for Joomla! has been released.
After one month of beta test, the version is available.
As already said, this version is the lastest on Joomla! 1.0.x. The next releases will be on the upper Joomla! versions.
The documentation is under writing. In waiting, to help you to patch your component follow this process:
1/ Backup all datas (only datas, not with structure) in the tables *_rpl_characters, *_rpl_downboss, *_rpl_queues, *_rpl_raids.
You can do this easily with PHPMyAdmin (export, zip).
2/ Uninstall your current Raid Planning component in the Joomla! administrator interface
3/ Install the lastest Raid Planning component in the Joomla! administrator interface
4/ Import your datas backup-ed (with PHPMyadmin, import)