
Who's using OpenRPGUI and Quotes for website

  • Aaron Bartell

    Aaron Bartell - 2010-11-19

    Hi all,

    I get emails on a fairly regular basis asking for assistance with OpenRPGUI or asking questions like "is it better than CGIDEV2", so I know a lot of people are either using it or are considering.  That's great!  If you have used it or are simply glad to see more options out there, then please respond to this thread with a comment of some sort.  If possible, please include your name so I can put your quote on the website.  You can check out a quote from Joel that he sent me earlier today that is also on the website:

    Just wanted to thank you for OpenRPGUI. I've started using it and I'm liking it. I also want to say a big thanks for your articles on Droid and RPG. I was just thinking about how in the world to write a Droid app when I ran across your articles, and I've got to say this is very cool. - Joel Schibbelhute

    Why am I asking for this?  Because as with adoption of any new technology, people are more comfortable sometimes if they know they aren't the only ones adopting.


  • Alan Cassidy

    Alan Cassidy - 2010-11-19

    Hi Aaron! I haven't used it or downloaded it yet and already planned on getting PHP into the brain next, but kudos and attaboys for you.

    Be encouraged, keep going. There are some commercial UI's for the i out there, and good ones at that, I'm sure. And another open source stab at it too I noticed in comments.

    The more the merrier. Things like this might help mavericks do up something to convince the remaining die-hards to do something finally. I don't think it will dent the commercial products very much, because especially bigger companies want commercial support. But I see such open source as fantastically good for the i world…


  • Brian Garland

    Brian Garland - 2011-04-07


    I've created a simple Android app for access to the electronic sign board we use where I work.   This sign board shows which employees are "in" and if they are "out" it shows where they are and when they expect to return.  We already have a green screen version and a web version on our intranet, but with several people getting Android phones I thought this would be a good test case.  

    It is built along the same lines as your DyndaDroid4i example app.   You get a sign-on screen and then it shows you your current status and allows you to change your status (one button that changes based on your current status) along with text input for location and return time.  

    I've given it to four other people now and they love it.   I have to learn more about programming on the Android OS, but I'm hoping to allow additional attributes to be set for the label and edittext components and add additional component types.  I want to include saving the sign on info so it doesn't have to be keyed in every time.   Maybe even GPS info so it can automatically mark you IN when they coordinates match. 

    Thanks again for putting this code out there and for all the help you gave me in getting this test case running. 

    Brian Garland

  • Aaron Bartell

    Aaron Bartell - 2011-04-07

    VERY COOL Brian!!

    Thanks for sharing your success story!


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