
PHP- RPGRTS / News: Recent posts

PHP-RPGRTS 0.2.1 - Released!

The latest version of PHP - RPGRTS is now availible to budding all you game creators! this version is similar to the previous version but contains many more admin features ie. user, inventry, tile and tile types administration and many more improvments and fixes.

I would also like to say thanks to every one who has downloaded previous versions on the game software it would not be progressing without you! feel free to drop me a line at our forums:

Posted by st3wis 2006-07-21

PHP-RPGRTS [CVS VERSION] - development news

The development of PHP RPGRTS is moving along at a pace at the moment with new features being added to the CVS every day!

Current new features that have been writen and are to be expected in 0.2.1 are:

* user manager which includes:
# inventry editor
# user move
# user delete
* first user created is now automaticly setup as admin.

Posted by st3wis 2006-07-12

PHP-RPGRTS 0.2.0 - development news

After along time in the making PHP RPGRTS 0.2.0 is now here! This new release is mostly a complete re-write of the 0.1.x code as can be seen by the stability and new features of the game. Please download the new release and have a play, If you observe any bugs please post in the bug tracker.

Posted by st3wis 2006-07-11

PHP-RPG [CVS VERSION] - development news

RPG RTS is development is now progressing after a long break (too long) the first CVS update centers around getting the player UI as complete as possible.

some new features:
* Less SQL querys (alot less)
* more stable movement system.
* use items now always works. unlike the previous version when it worked when it wanted to!
* all new code works with error reporting set to all.
* can now mve on the default tile if it requires a tool.
* and much more....... read more

Posted by st3wis 2006-06-30

PHP-RPG 0.1.2 - development news

A new version of PHP RPG RTS is released this contains many bug fixes and features since the last development release (0.1.1) hopefully this is the last release before 0.2.0.

Posted by st3wis 2005-03-24

PHP-RPG [CVS VERSION] - development news

The modify map GUI is now complete please see the screeny here for a look:

as allways the source is availible through sourceforge CVS

Posted by st3wis 2005-02-17

PHP-RPG 0.1.1 - development news

I have decided to release a best before march 2005 release. This version should be more usable by any one wishing to view/test the project due to may bug fixes.

The plans are to release a 0.2.0 release at the start of march (hopefully) this version will feature all whats in 0.1.1 - bugs + a finished admin panel.

So what you waiting for get playing :)

Posted by st3wis 2005-02-14

PHP-RPG [CVS VERSION] - development news

Half way point reached 0.2.0 is around the corner!

With the completion of the objects GUI the *usable* version of rpgrts is just round the corner im setting no dates but it could be as soon as a month away.

Tasks finished since last news item:

Completed Objects GUI
Changed map system over to use png support.

Posted by st3wis 2005-02-05

PHP-RPG [CVS VERSION] - development news

Current CVS has got the following 2 new features:

* add objects: new objects can be loaded into the database.
* edit/view objects: object details cn now be viewed and edited.

keep watching the project news for more updates and a release (0.2.0) once the admin system is complete.


Posted by st3wis 2005-01-19

PHP-RPG [CVS VERSION] - development news

The current CVS version of PHP-RPG now features a user registration system and the foundations for the admin system.

Expect a 0.2.0 release soon with the following features:

working register system. (see screen shots)
admin system to control your world.
as well as some bug fixes.


Posted by st3wis 2005-01-13

Source commited to CVS (PHP-RPG).

The latest bleeding edge source of PHP-RPG has been commited to CVS for the first time all updates will be commited here from now on on a regular basis.


Posted by st3wis 2005-01-01

php rpgrts initial release (0.1.0)

The initial release of php rpgrts has been completed this build is a technical demo showing the major features (map movement, items and inventry and basic map systems)

see source forge download pages for source code.

Posted by st3wis 2004-12-29