
#48 URI Handling diretory and files


My suggestion.

Maybe is cool if I could set an app that opens when ctrl+click in dir path (/home/bla/) and other when ctrl+click in file path (/home/bla/.bashrc), like currently http:// opens web browser and bla@ble opens email client.

Or generalize this, where user can set regexp and action.

Thanks ;)


  • Hugo Ribeiro

    Hugo Ribeiro - 2011-07-13

    My contact info =)
    hugosenari (at) gmail

  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2011-07-14

    It already matches file:// URIs so it would be a good idea to provide an option to open these eg in nautilus. Unfortunately matching filenames without file:// would probably be too vague. There might be too many false positives and/or have to miss names without a leading / and there have been performance issues with VTE's regex matching in the past.

  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2011-07-18

    I've implemented this and it's available in git. The URI has to include a file:// as I explained before. Nautilus can't open files from the command line so I've made it open the parent directory if you click on a URI for a file. I hope that's OK.

  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2011-07-19

    I've improved it now. You can specify different behaviour for files and directories and it doesn't need the file:// prefix any more. It will match filenames starting with / , ./ , ../ or ~/ but not ~user/ and it can't handle certain characters eg spaces.

  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2011-09-03

    I found it a little distracting so from now on it will be optional. To enable it look in the profile's "File URIs" section.

  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2011-09-06

    The requested feature has been added.



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