
roxCom / News: Recent posts

RoxCom v2.2.2

Added two minor bug fixes as a step back into working on this project as it's been idle for all of 6 months or so.
Hopefully I can find more time to work on it.

Posted by Ross Drew 2009-01-16

RoxCom v2.2.1 Released

We'll need to start using CVS soon as RoxCom is getting quite big and in combining me and Sujiths last release (v2.2) I left something out and released it with a rather major bug in that the file transfer didn't work at all. This is now fixed in v2.2.1.

My appologies.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-04-16

RoxCom v2.2 Released

Sorry about the small delay, internet connection problems more than anything.

RoxCom v2.2 can now transfer multiple files to multiple users at a time, the code is getting much cleaner and I've added a BETA version of a current connection display to the server. If this works well it'll be moved onto clients then be developed further.

Comments as always are very welcome.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-04-07

RoxCom v2.2 on it's way

Sujith has just finished adding some more features to the FileTransfer module and Francisco is testing the current release. I have made a few functional changes so the next version of RoxCom should be on it's way soon.
At least one major new feature will then hopefully be on it's way with release 2.3.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-03-13

Multi-User Chat and File Transfer with Logging

RoxCom is now at an important milestone in that it now functions well enough to be classed as stable and as such can now form a platform for developing something more advanced.

I (ross_drew) am now at a junction where I need to decided which development route to take. I have always planned branches for RoxCom and here are some of my ideas:-

1. A developers aid as an Eclipse plugin. This will feature chat, file transfer and other current development information like build/testing/work distribution status.
2. A games platform, for simple games like battleship, chess and poker with a plugin interface that allows anyone to create a game that can run through it
3. A drawing board which allows users to draw and other users to view or contribute to it like a multi user (basic) paint program.... read more

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-02-22

v2.1 Released

RoxCom 2.1 now released containing many bug fixes found by our new tester Francisco Falcon, a chat history file and multiple user file transfer.

Still working on getting a website together and as always, comments welcome.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-02-19

v2.1 on it's way

The next release of RoxCom will hopefully be next week with major bug fixes thanks to our new tester Francisco and with the addition of a history file (Ross) and multiple destination file transfer (Sujith).

We are currently working on getting a site put together as well.

As always, all suggestions are VERY welcome.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-02-14

roxCom: Multi-user Chat v2.0 Released

Communication program that allows one instance to act as a server and then any number of instances to connect through any desired port (specified by the server) to Chat, the server relaying. File transfer is also available on a one-to-one basis.

RoxCom 2.0 has been released and now has the ability to allow any number of chat clients to connect to a running RoxCom server on any desired port. All past connection issues have been resolved and file transfer is still working on a 1 to 1 basis and is in development for multi-user capabilities.
Chat history files, user configurable connection options and a better history window are on their way.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-01-21

v1.2 Released

We (well...I) may be moving in baby steps but there's another couple of bug fixes and small features added now. The larger changes are on their way.

Posted by Ross Drew 2008-01-07


After sujith added file functionality I reformatted his code a little and messed it up, uploading it without really testing so anyone who has downloaded roxCom in the last few days will have downloaded a buggy copy.
I've replaced my buggy copy with sujiths fix now though so it should work.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-12-27

v1.1 Released

Sujith has now made his first major contribution to the project in the form of a file transfer option. Now working and included in this release along with a few bug fixes.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-12-24

Anonymous Posting

I've just realised that by default the forums don't allow anonymous posting. This is fixed now and I'd love to hear ANY comments you have.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-24

Update to v1.031

I've made some cleanups to 1.03 in the form of a better reconnect system using the newly created /ping command and added room for more control commands later (which will act as scripts when there is parsing involved). Also some code has been moved around for clarity and ease of future developments.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-23

v 1.0.3 Released

Got rid of the send button, fixed some bugs and added some features.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-12

READ ME!!! Before Downloading

Although in the grand scheme of things, the interest roxCom has received is little, as far as my projects go, it's doing pretty well so there's something about it that you guys like so...

Please...give me reviews, bug reports, feature requests, ratings. With this kind of encouragement I'll be inclined to put more work into it.

Come on guys (and perhaps girls)

p.s.Version 1.0.2 has been released.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-09

Small Update

Due to a request from mgsujith and some suggested code, I have fixed a bug and added a feature (bug 2 was actually more of a feature).
mgsujith has also joined as a developer in order to progress this application further.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-05

roxCom: First Release

Very simple chat program that allows chat between two PC's, one acting as the server and the other inputting the server IP. This is mainly provided for educational purposes and is planned to be developed as a simple network gaming system later.

Here is the first release of what is starting out as a chat client with a view to developing into a simple online gaming platform.

Please leave suggestions and bug reports.

Posted by Ross Drew 2007-10-04