
Rovio Hardware

Chris Roue


Mechanical parts

Rovio is built around a three wheels holonomic (all directions) motion platform.

Wheels are controlled by 3 DC motors with optical encoders. A fourth DC motor is used to move head containing main processor board, video camera and position sensors.

Electronic parts

Rovio has 3 main electronic boards:

  • processor board running Rovio software, specs are:
    • Marvell "PXA270M"
    • 8 Meg RAM
    • 2 Meg Flash
  • MCU board used to control motors, LEDs, etc...
    • Apparently based on a 8051 compatible MCU, receives command via a RS232 like serial bus.
  • Battery charger board
    • Built around a LS2516 NIMH charge controller.
    • Charger board is known to be buggy and broken on some Rovio series.

Electronic parts


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