
Rounded PHP: v1.1 (beta) released

Rounded PHP, the API for creating anti-aliased rounded corner images on-the-fly, now fully supports transparency in both PNG and GIF formats. This update officially places Rounded PHP in a class of its own, including the options to toggle transparency among the background, foreground and border colors.

The initial release of Rounded PHP simply generated rounded corner images with up to three colors: background, foreground, border. The limitations of having no transparency can become a burden for many Web 2.0 designers/developers. This release will hopefully alleviate any of these issues.

Noted improvements in the package include: choosing which colors to make transparent (in PNG format), full alpha channel blending in 24-bit PNG files, transparent color selection for GIF image format, and toggle anti-alias support on or off.

The API operates stable, but the project will remain in beta phase until enough feedback is received to warrant a stable release. Download this 1.1 release at and visit the updated demo site at

Rounded PHP is very young and the resources are still being pieced together. Expect to see online documentation soon, as well as an official page for the project at

Posted by nak5ive 2008-01-01

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