
#462 LV2 plugin support

Ted Felix

We really should support LV2 plugins.

For now, one can use an external plugin host like Carla to connect plugins via JACK.

See [bugs:#1433].


Bugs: #1433


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  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-06-13

    I installed fedora 40 in a virtual machine and I could reproduce the problem.
    I think this is the usual qt/gtk2/gtk3 clash.
    If I run with the setup described in bug 1674 rosegarden starts !
    The fix was:
    install the qt5-style-plugins package
    export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2

    So now rosegarden is running (compiled with lilv and gtk2) but I cannot get an lv2 editor window to open. Neither the gtk editors nor the X11 editors start (maybe a wayland problem ?)
    I am still looking into this

  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-06-13

    So one problem was my audio setup - using pipewire.
    After sorting that out I still had some problems with the editor windows - probably related to wayland.
    I found a workaround:
    export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11

  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-06-13

    To summarize:
    install the qt5-style-plugins package
    set the environment variables:
    export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2
    export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11

    and rosegarden should work with the lv2 plugins and gtk editors

  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-06-16

    I have added a check for the existence of the gui library (See the mails from Chuck Elliot on the user list).
    Please merge

  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2024-06-19

    Pushed as [e9dfb9]. Please test latest git.



    Commit: [e9dfb9]

  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-06-20

    Not directly related to lv2 but I got some compile errors on the latest git.
    Please merge

  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2024-06-20

    Thanks for keeping me honest on Qt6. 🤣 Merged as [bff3eb]. Please test latest git.



    Commit: [bff3eb]

  • Philip Leishman

    Philip Leishman - 2024-08-30

    Looking at the first few comments here - I noticed the one about "direct export / render".
    That makes sense if I just have synth plugins and audio tracks.
    I have made a try at this - see my feature-462-lv2 branch.
    There is a new command in the File->Export menu. This will record the next play to a wav file.
    It would be nice to render in non real time but that is more difficult. No idea how to approach that.
    Attached is an example - part of the aveverum example rendered with the calf fluidsynth and organ plugins.

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