I'm trying life with the new default of no count-in.
Sometimes it's better. For example, I just used Rosegarden to master a mix of pre-recorded audio segments with MIDI segments being reproduced live, and it was really convenient not having to edit anything to get it to start crisply at the beginning.
Sometimes it's worse. When I'm actually recording myself playing something live, and when I'm at the beginning of the composition, it's damn near impossible to live without the count-in. I've found myself moving everything to start 1-2 bars in, then dragging everything to the left once I'm far enough in that I'm away from the "left edge." I guess I could actually accomplish the same by setting the composition to start at -2 temporarily. Interesting workaround.
But the whole experience has me thinking we could do with some convenient graphical way to change the count-in at will, instead of having to dig it out of the configuration page every time. It would probably be pretty easy to do. Especially if someone else had a concrete suggestion what would be the most appropriate way to present such a beast. On the transport? A new toolbar, maybe with a slider, like the zoom slider? None of the above?
Maybe the workaround I just thought up in the paragraph before last should just be the standard remedy, and in that case, a count-in seems like a redundant feature that could be eliminated. But in this case, I'd still want a convenient way to change this, and it's just as obnoxious step-wise as changing the count-in on the configuration page. Though changing the composition start is a little faster in terms of lag time waiting for the dialog to "warm up."
See [bugs:#941].