
rootpwa example data

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  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-19


    I have downloaded ROOTPWA recently and have installed a machine of mine.
    The installation seems well-down and I'd like to understand and progress to the next step.

    I found a example file as /rootpwa-code/scripts/pwa_Kpipi_example/
    The shell script seems to download example data automatically from the directory: However the directory does not exist.
    If example data will be available, it will be very helpful.

    Thank you very much for any hints or any help...

    • Promme

      Promme - 2013-06-19


      nice to hear of somebody interested in using rootpwa. I removed the
      example data recently since analysis went on and the example was
      outdated. Scripts are nice to understand programs behind. The gui is now
      aimed to lead you through the process. Please try {cmakedir}/bin/***_gui
      programs. I do not remember the name anymore since It's been now 2 years
      I did not use it anymore. For further support, please stay in contact
      with us telling us for example your application. Hopefully there will be
      no traps to step in with your channel.

      Cheers Promme

      On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 10:51 +0000, Tatsuro Matsuda wrote:


      I have downloaded ROOTPWA recently and have installed a machine of
      The installation seems well-down and I'd like to understand and
      progress to the next step.

      I found a example file
      as /rootpwa-code/scripts/pwa_Kpipi_example/
      The shell script seems to download example data automatically from the
      directory: However the
      directory does not exist.
      If example data will be available, it will be very helpful.

      Thank you very much for any hints or any help...

      rootpwa example data

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  • Promme

    Promme - 2013-06-19


    nice to hear of somebody interested in using rootpwa. I removed the example data recently since analysis went on and the example was outdated. Scripts are nice to understand programs behind. The gui is now aimed to lead you through the process. Please try {cmakedir}/bin/***_gui programs. I do not remember the name anymore since It's been now 2 years I did not use it anymore. For further support, please stay in contact with us telling us for example your application. Hopefully there will be no traps to step in with your channel.

    Cheers Promme

    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-20


      Thanks a lot for introducing me to the nice GUI program which will be /build/bin/rootpwa_gui. When I execute this program, a new window appears and lead me to processes. However I'd still like to run with some concrete files. My object to try to use rootpwa is to analyze meson production channels of B-meson-decay. I think this code is not only applicable to the diffractive reactions but also to the B-decay channels. I had better consult directly...


  • Promme

    Promme - 2013-06-20

    here is a link to data for my analysis. It is not officially released and therefor you must not show it in public.

    You will have to copy the example setup file in the gui folder, modify it according to your paths and then to load it with the gui. Setting a new file was not implemented yet. Sorry for that.

    More to read about my analysis, if you wish to understand details:

    2 things to mention:

    • There are now 2 representations of the code and 2 ways to run the analysis. The 2nd alternative one is not fully implemented but gives basically the same results like the 1st one, that is supported by the gui.

    • Mass dependent fits (last step of analysis) were done by sebastian neubert for a 3 pi and 5 pi analysis. There are corners in the code that need further modification to be applicable for other channels.

    We would be happy that improvements to the code would be shared by you.

    But first I would recommend to discuss your channel with us whether we do not see any problems that may occur. A diagram might be useful.

    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-20


      I appreciate your great help. Now I am downloading your files. It will still need
      hours. I am sorry that I did not introduce myself clearly because this board is
      a public one. But I am a colleague of yours at COMPASS. You can find my name at
      the collaboration web page. And of course I will keep your instruction. I have
      already your thesis which is very nice and beautiful. Your finding of the effect
      of RICH on the pid has been wonderful. This time I will try to adapt rootpwa to
      the other experiment in Japan.Then I asked my questions in public. And this
      project is quit great. If I can take a step forward, I will report.

      • Tatsuro Matsuda

        Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-20

        The download of all files finished. Thanks a lot.

  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-24

    Dear Promme,

    The rootpwa seems to run fortunately. Thank you very much for your kind help. But when I execute
    genpw -n 10000 -M 800 -B 20 -r ~/rootpwa/generators/KpipiDiffractive2008.conf for example, it does not produce correct files and it answers " Warning in <TFile::Init>: no StreamerInfo found" in return. I am not sure the reason but I guess this might be due to the difference of the version of root. If you would remember it, could you tell me the version of root which you used ?
    I am so sorry for asking frequently.

  • Promme

    Promme - 2013-06-24


    The last time I know the generator was running, was 1 your ago. But I do not really know who was working with it since then. Funny, as far as I remember the generator is not reading any files but only writing some?!

    2 Possibilities: You wait until a collegue fixes the problem, or you find the bug, or you go on.
    Or you go on with the step "filter data into bins". Flat phase space events will be restored then from MC acceptance data I have provided you.

    But definetly genpw must work otherwise you will be not able to try it with your channel.

    Cheers for now, I hope I will find some time to investigate your problem soon.

    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2013-06-25


      Thanks a lot again. The genpw has worked well and generated three files when it has been executed without reading a file. It seems to try to extract some parameters (vertex position etc.) from the config file when an argument(a file name) is set following "-r". I will also look for the flat phase space events in the MC file which you provided me.

  • Promme

    Promme - 2013-06-25

    OK, this reminds me oft input actally I have implemented. In the config file you can find a path to a root file describing primär vertex properties. For your pwa test you can get rid of it. Please habe a look to the 2004 config file for genpw to See the alternative setup oft primary vertex generator.

  • Promme

    Promme - 2013-06-25

    Sorry for the man autocorrect Terrors by my Herman Android.

  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-01

    I have restarted the installation of ROOTPWA into my machine. But I encounter the problem of the Building ROOTPWA. When I make "cmake .." to build ROOTPWA, the following message :

    -- >>> Setting up ROOT.
    CMake Error at cmakeModules/FindROOT.cmake:276 (message):
    Unable to find requested ROOT installation: ROOT executable directory ''
    does not exist. ROOT include directory '' does not exist. ROOT library
    directory '' does not exist. ROOT version .. is lower than requested
    version 5.26.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    CMakeLists.txt:224 (find_package)

    The cmake seems not to find the ROOT directory. However ROOT works at my machine. The environment variable of ROOT is set at .bashrc. Is there any reason of this problem?
    As you know I am short of the knowledge of UNIX machine. And I am very sorry for such a primitive question.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-01

    Dear Tatsuro,

    it seems that Cmake cannot find the root-config executable or that it gets incorrect information from root-config.

    Could you please post the output of the following command?

    root-config --version --bindir --incdir --libdir


  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-02

    Dear Boris,

    Thank you very much for responding to my question.
    Here is the output corresponding to your suggestion:

    [matsuda@unkai ~]$ root-config --version --bindir --incdir --libdir
    5.34/18 /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/bin /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/include /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/lib

    I think ROOT was installed successfully and seems to work well...

    A lot of thanks,

  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-02

    Hm, this looks fine. Could you please verify that the directories


    exist? If they do, it would be great if you could post the full Cmake output as an attachment.


    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-02

      I appreciate your kind cooperation.
      I think these directories exist. For example,

      [matsuda@unkai build]$ ls /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/bin
      g2root hadd proofserv.exe root.exe roots.exe
      The rest is ommited.

      [matsuda@unkai build]$ ls /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/include |more
      The rest is ommited.

      [matsuda@unkai build]$ ls /usr/local/hep/root/v5.34.18/lib libHbook.rootmap
      The rest is ommited.

      And I will attach the output file of the procedure.
      I did "cmake ..".

      Many thanks,

  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-02

    Hi Tatsuro,

    could you please post the output of

    git log -1

    (executed in your ROOTPWA directory) so that I can see which ROOTPWA version you are using?


    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-02

      Dear Boris,

      I did "git log -l" (not 1 but l) and I have got a very long output.
      At the moment I think I don't have to post the output because the problem may be solved. If you need the output, please notify me. I will do.

      I appreciate your comprehensive mind. Danke schoen. Arigato.

  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-02

    Dear Boris,
    Thank you very much for helping me. I just tried ccmake and I found one more window appeared and the listed directory of ROOT was wrong. It was an old directory which was I set before. I tried to install many versions of ROOT because I had failed to install and construct ROOT into my machine. I suppose something wrong parameters remained. And I have corrected these parameters by hand and I have probably succeeded in building ROOTPWA. I attach the output of "cmake".
    I will go forward. I am very very sorry for disturbing you.
    Best regards,

  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-02

    Great to see that things are working for you. Unfortunately Cmake remembers some paths. So if external libraries change, the safest way is to delete everything in the build directory and build ROOTPWA again.


    • Tatsuro Matsuda

      Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-03

      Thank you very much for explaining the reason why the old parameters remained.
      Now I am running the using the "sample data" which was given by Promme and I realize this process needs quite a long time. I started the step yesterday but that is still running. It might not finish during my life ?


  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-10

    Sorry Tatsuro, for the late answer. submits jobs that calculate the amplitudes. Depending on the amount of data and the wave set size this can may take a while. However, depending on the batch system you are using, you might need to modify the script.

    Note that the scripts and keyfiles you are using still use the old PWA2000 amplitude framework. Meanwhile we have switched all active COMPASS analyses that use ROOTPWA to a new amplitude code which is faster and easier to maintain. The old code was removed in this process. Unfortunately there is no real documentation available yet for the new amplitude framework.


  • Tatsuro Matsuda

    Tatsuro Matsuda - 2014-07-17

    Hi Boris,

    Thank you very much for having informed more useful information to me. And I am sorry
    that I did not know that you had posted your new message to this "board" because I
    don't know how to let me know an appearance of a new message on this board
    automatically. I suppose there is such a method on this system.
    By the way I think I have succeeded in running on my machines. On one of my
    machines it took 3 days and 5 hours, and it took 2 days and 5 hours on the other
    machine. Certainly I changed the script slightly. Meanwhile I may enjoy this older
    code. Actually I am using the oldest version of ROOTPWA which is _ver1.0.
    And may I find the new amplitude code in the latest version of ROOTPWA ?

    Danke schoen,

  • Boris Grube

    Boris Grube - 2014-07-17

    Hi Tatsuro,

    good to hear that the amplitude calculation seems to work for you. Usually this step is performed on a batch system, since the calculation of the amplitudes for the different waves are independent from each other. So if you have a set of 100 waves you could run 100 jobs in parallel.

    You may set up email notifications by going to your profile and adding ROOTPWA to your projects. Then you can choose to subscribe to the various boards and email lists by clicking on "Edit Personal Data" and then "Subscriptions".

    Using the "_v1.0" tag is perfectly fine. The only potential drawback is that we cannot provide fixes for bugs in the legacy code should they appear.

    In order to have look at the new amplitude framework it is recommended that you switch to the "master" branch. This branch is actively maintained, so you should regularly pull the changes. The amplitude code is in the subdirectory "amplitude".


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