
Rompr 0.70 - The Return of Mopidy

Mopidy support continues!

Rompr 0.70 is a major update and contains important changes. These have been prompted by recent changes to Mopidy and also my desire to make the code easier to maintain.

Mopidy is still supported, however Rompr now uses Mopidy's MPD frontend. Support for the HTTP frontend has been removed.
The way the Music Collection is built has been completely rewritten, and is actually better now. You can choose which backends you want to build your collection from and it uses far less memory - Low Memory Mode is no longer required.
Mopidy 1.1 or later is required.

There have been a few UI layout changes which may confuse you for a brief period but they all make sense.

'Personalised Radio' or whatever you want to call it - for Mopidy - now permits you to choose which backends to use to get music from.

The old 'Basic Collection' is no longer supported. SQLite or MySQL is now required.

The new Playlist Manager allows MPD users to edit their saved playlists. Editing isn't supported with Mopidy because Mopidy doesn't support it.

One installation of Rompr can now be used to control multiple players - eg you can have one web server and one collection but have MPD (or Mopidy) running on various machines all around your house.

All kinds of other stuff that I can't even remember.

Whatever you do, make sure it's Funky.

Posted by Fat German Productions 2015-08-22

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