If there were a way to, say, draw two lightly-colored
circles on the screen, showing the walk_center_border
and the run_walk_border, then you could use the
donut-hole to rest instead of no-op.
Even better, the drawing might include lines to
separate the eight directions.
I'm not a graphics expert, so i can't help you there.
This patch will change the donut-hole to a rest. You
may not want to use it unless you can draw the circles
I mentioned. But maybe you do...
*** src/main.c Fri Jun 8 00:12:02 2001
--- mysrc/main.c Mon Jan 13 16:13:21 2003
*** 226,229 ****
--- 226,233 ----
Short get_click_dir(Short tmp_x, Short tmp_y)
+ if ((abs(tmp_x) < my_prefs.walk_center_border*10) &&
+ (abs(tmp_y) < my_prefs.walk_center_border*10)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
if ((abs(tmp_x)) > 2 * (abs(tmp_y))) {
// mostly x, move in the x direction
*** 729,738 ****
if (my_prefs.rogue_relative)
rogue_relativize(&tmp_x, &tmp_y, env->playerx,
- if ((abs(tmp_x) <
my_prefs.walk_center_border*10) &&
- (abs(tmp_y) < my_prefs.walk_center_border*10)) {
- handled = true; // this is a noop, for now.
- print_stats(); // it just refreshes the 'stats'
- } else {
if ((abs(tmp_x) < my_prefs.run_walk_border*10) &&
(abs(tmp_y) < my_prefs.run_walk_border*10)) {
--- 733,736 ----
*** 750,754 ****
if (!took_time) goto SKIP_THE_REST;
- }
} else {
draw_cast_slices(); //re-invert! works 'cause
display otherwise unchanged
--- 748,751 ----
diff -r -c -2 src/moveplayer.c mysrc/moveplayer.c
*** src/moveplayer.c Tue May 1 00:41:33 2001
--- mysrc/moveplayer.c Mon Jan 13 16:21:57 2003
*** 101,104 ****
--- 101,109 ----
Boolean exploring;
+ if (dir == 0)
+ {
+ /* I wish there was a way to print "resting" like
typing a period does */
+ }
+ else
// If you are confused -- you generally move in a
random direction
if (env->cdude[CONFUSE])