Peter - 2001-07-02

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Alternatively, on the binding preferences, let us
choose "run east", "run north" etc.

Personally I like to "run" down passageways (because its
fiddly to turn the corners on step at a time) and "walk" in
the rooms. So having a "run shift" button would be great.

Also, I found the "compass" confusing for pen based

An alternative touch control movement system would be nice -
estentially I want to tap the screen to move towards that

A configurable choice would be either taking only one step
in that direction (one step per tap), ...

Or, "run" to where the use clicks on screen. i.e. on tap
on screen to move several square.

Implementation - Iterate one step at a time automatically,
towards the point clicked on screen, until something
interesting is reached, much like the run code - except for
every step the direction would be reevaluated. I don't
think there needs to be any clever course plotting (appart
for passageways, which have already been coded for the run
command) - just attempt an almost direct line to the point
clicked, and stop when stuck.

Note that you should be able to "autoexplore" down a
passageway (possibly an option) with one tap.

Some of the Palm sokoban games implement their movement
something like this (but you can see the entire level).


P.S. Great port - I shall be wasting lots of commuting time
on this!