
No, it's not dead - RoboMirror 1.0 is out!

Hey guys, it's been a long time (about 5 years!) and I thought RoboMirror was dead until I've recently decided to check my SF account after years. Seeing there have been more than 25k downloads in total and that there's a steady stream of downloads each week, I was pleasantly surprised and decided to bring the project up-to-date.

So here we are. New:

  • Fix very silly bug crashing the app when the simulation run revealed no pending changes
  • Update dependencies (vshadow.exe to v3.0, Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll to v2.2)
  • Split excluded items into excluded files and excluded subfolders with dedicated wildcards
    (NEW: wildcards for subfolders)
  • Improve UAC support: RoboMirror doesn't require administrator rights anymore, but some
    advanced features do
  • Add drag & drop support for folder textboxes and excluded items
  • New default Robocopy switches, see below
  • Volume shadow copies are now created with the no-writer option
  • RoboMirror XML files for mirror tasks & log have been moved from %APPDATA%\RoboMirror
    to %LOCALAPPDATA%\RoboMirror
  • Scheduled tasks are created in RoboMirror subfolder for Windows Vista and newer
  • UI tweaks
  • New & improved installer based on Inno Setup

I also created a small web site:

Thanks for using this software and please post bugs if you encounter some!

Posted by Martin Kinkelin 2014-05-30

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