
Suggestions for some additions to the program

  • Risky73

    Risky73 - 2015-03-10

    Here are some suggestions to additional functionality:

    1. Save configurations for mirroring. What I mean by this is that user might have different devices to synchronise with diferent file/folder needs. This way when one device (like hdd) is plugged in for synchronisation user can open configuration and files/folders required for that device are synchronised, when other device (like mobile phone) is plugged in different set of files/folders can be synchronised. It would be nice to store this configurations in Robomirror program folder so that Robomirror would be portable.

    2. When configuration (from suggestion 1) would be loaded add command to run all tasks, because at the moment only one task can be run.

    3. Detection of drive by its name. What I mean here is that partitions have names and it is much more flexible to bind partition names instead of drive letter, operating system can change drive letters for external devices without user permission while partition names change only on request by user. This way it is possible to plug in external device and Robomirror would synchronise it according to partition name instead of "changeable" drive letter.

  • DMatter

    DMatter - 2015-05-22

    +1 for the run all task command

  • TheOneill

    TheOneill - 2017-07-06

    Same suggestion here : a run all command that would enqueue all the tasks would be very useful.
    Thanks for Robomirror !


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