

Will Kraft

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  • Ronald Brooks

    Ronald Brooks - 2013-01-26

    This program seams to work very well but I must say that I only got it down loaded and working today. The one problem that I have is the spell checker will not work. When you enable it the program stops working and shuts down. I am using Ubuntu 12.04, but other then that everything else I have tried seams to work.

  • Will Kraft

    Will Kraft - 2013-01-27


    I'm glad you enjoy RoboJournal. I already know about the spell checker bug
    affecting Ubuntu but I did not become aware of it until after the 0.4
    release (which is why the bug isn't on the known bugs list and why I
    haven't packaged 0.4 for Debian-based linux yet) The problem has something
    to do with the Qt in Ubuntu's repositories because everything works fine
    when RoboJournal is compiled against a custom Qt 4.8. (which is why I
    didn't notice anything sooner) I plan to issue a 0.4.1 release w/ this bug
    (and a few others) patched sometime next month but I thank you for bringing
    it to my attention. In the meantime, RoboJournal 0.4 works fine with
    spellcheck disabled.


    Will Kraft

    On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Ronald Brooks ronbrooks1@users.sf.netwrote:

    This program seams to work very well but I must say that I only got it
    down loaded and working today. The one problem that I have is the spell
    checker will not work. When you enable it the program stops working and
    shuts down. I am using Ubuntu 12.04, but other then that everything else I
    have tried seams to work.

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