I have the following options on:
--src VBCode --doc VBDoc --multidoc --index --tell --ignore_case_when_linking --nogeneratedwith --toc --syntaxcolors_enable line_comments,keywords,non_alpha,quotes --sectionnameonly --documenttitle "Automation Documentation for QTP Code"
Here is my source code:
Public Function fClearJavaCache()
Set oScript= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oScript.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\Enterasys Networks\NetSight\java\bin\"
oScript.Run "cmd /c javaws -Xclearcache -silent -Xnosplash "
Set oScript = Nothing
fClearJavaCache = True
End Function
Robodoc will incorrectly color passed the "C:\Program Files\Enterasys Networks\NetSight\java\bin\" because of the backslash at the end of the string. I think Robodoc thinks its an escaped character but in VBS, this is not an escaped quotation mark, it's just a backslash and the ending quotation.
I think it would be nice if there was an additional flag to ignore escaped characters so this situation won't confuse robodoc.
+1 The same occurs with AutoIt