
Robosapien Dance Machine version 2.0.0 (alpha) released

Robosapien Dance Machine now lets you control your Robosapien robot with your voice, in addition to creating entertaining scripts for making your own Robosapien movies, comedy skits, and other fun performances.

With the integration of the powerful CMU Sphinx 3.5 speech recognition engine, another terrific SourceForge project, your favorite robot will obey your spoken commands. You can watch a funny unrehearsed demonstration of the voice control system at the project home page, along with finding links to the online version of the program's help documentation.

Binary Download:

Source Download (you should install the binary first):

Project Home Page (Funny Video & Help Docs):

Robosapien Expert Hacker's Site:

Posted by Robert Oschler 2005-04-23

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