
Robocode / News: Recent posts

.NET plugin does not work with Java 7

The current version of Robocode (version + the .NET plugin does not work on Java 7. We are working on solving this issue. For now, stick to Java 6 in order to develop .NET robots for Robocode.

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2011-08-08

Robocode has been released

Read more about version here:

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2011-07-28

Robocode Beta released

Version Beta

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2832113] - The gun shot sound isn't working.
* Bug [3196615] - x,y coords between BulletHitEvent & HitByBulletEvent differ.
* Bug [3207405] - Custom events no longer firing after clearing event queue.
* Fixed typo in the documentation with valid range of values for the battlefield width and height. Thanks goes to Tamás Balog for pointing this out.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2011-03-26

Robocode Beta released

The beta version of Robocode has been released.

Read the news here:

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-10-02

Robocode Beta released

Robocode Beta released has been released. Read the details here:

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-06-19

Robocode on twitter

You can follow @robocode on twitter here:

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-05-28

Robocode Beta 3 has been released

Version Beta 3
The ".NET robots are now supported" release

Thanks goes to Alex Schultz for keep finding bugs, but also helping out solving these. :-)

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2976754] - Battle engine consumes more CPU power over time
* Bug [2972932] - Strange issue first time running roborumble in Beta 2.
* Bug [2978825] - isTeammate() sometimes returns false with teammates.
* Bug [2964562] - Cannot extract downloaded robot for editing in Robot Editor.
* Bug [2976258] - Strange thread exceptions with kid.DeltaSquad in 1.7.
* Bug [2974178] - Krabb.sliNk.Garm 0.9u freezes often in 1.7.
* Bug [2970414] - Occasionally losing the bit of text in the robot console.
* Bug [2954723] - java.lang.Error: Interrupted attempt to aquire read lock.
* Bug: Teams with versions could not be found in a development path.
* Bug: Files in /robots/.data or /robots/.robotcache dir were put into a underscore sub-directory.
* Bug: The "Kill Robot" button in the robot console windows was often disabled.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-04-29

Robocode Beta has been released

We are proud to announce the Beta release of Robocode, which is the first version to support .NET robots via using a plugin for Robocode. A lot of hard work has been put into the .NET support by Pavel Savara.

With the .NET plugin for Robocode, Java and .NET robots can participate in the same battles in the same time.

We have also added lots of pending features and of course made some changes to Robocode as well.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-02-15

Robocode has been released

Happy New Year to everybody!

This is the final release of which contains one new feature, some bug fixes, and a few changes compared to the beta.

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2912942] - Mac OS X 10.6: Cannot run Robocode from It must be run from the new robocode.command file instead.
* Bug [2912944] - Mac OS X 10.6: The editor cannot see the JDK. It must be run from the new robocode.command file instead.
* The onDeathEvent(DeathEvent) method was called too late, when a new round was about to start. Not when the robot has died.
* Bug [2867326] - Lockup on start if too many bots in robots dir (cont'd). Additional fix was made to locate multiple robots under the same package.
* Changed the robot painting so that everything that goes into the painting buffer is always painted, and remaining painting operations exceeding the buffer capacity are always dropped. Previously, only the last painting operations exceeding the painting buffer were executed.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2010-01-06

Robocode Beta has been released

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2897215] - Robot Editor doesn't accept packagename with dot (.) in it.
* Bug [2876395] - Source is not included.
* Bug [2867326] - Lockup on start if too many bots in robots dir (cont'd).

= Requests =
* Req [2641759] - Scrollable properties. All console windows including the Robot Console and Properties are now scrollable, and all have the same look.

= Changes =
* It is now possible to add paths to robot project inside an Eclipse workspace under the Development Options in the Preferences. Robocode will read the .classpath file in the project in order to locate both class files, properties files, and java files. This means that the Robot Packager is now able to include your source files when you use Eclipse, and it supports multiple source paths. Notice that Robocode does not support linked sources or include and exclude filters.
* Changed the messages given when creating a new robot with the Robot Editor regarding robot name and package name.

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-12-10

Robocode Beta has been released

This version is dedicated for the RoboRumble@Home community where many issues seen with the RoboRumble client have been solved.
Thank you all for reporting as many known issues as possible, and also help out solving these - especially with the issue seen with the robot movement that had a big impact on the scores and rankings! :-)

A big thanks goes to Patrick Cupka ("Voidious"), Julian Kent ("Skilgannon"), "Positive" and Nat Pavasant ("Nat") for their combined work with developing and testing the new and improved robot movement regarding acceleration and deceleration rules (Bug [2828072]). :-)... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-08-26

Robocode (final) released

This version is a maintenance release of Robocode fixing more bugs.

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2813513] - Bullet and Ram Damage Bonuses are wrong.
* Bug [2809518] - Does not extract .properties files into bot data dir.
* Bug [2805858] - Access denied javax.swing -DNOSECURITY=true
* Sometimes the "Show results when battle(s) ends" in the Common Options was disabled when running the RobocodeEngine, even though the setting had been enabled earlier.
* Bug [2811621] - Invalid entry point in codesize-1.1.jar.
* A NullPointerException occurred when closing the Preferences window, when no sound device is present in the system.

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-07-08

Robocode Beta has been released

Please welcome a new robot type, the RateControlRobot. This new robot type has been provided by Joshua Galecki and is an extension of the AdvancedRobot. Currently, the RateControlRobot is in its Beta stage.

The RateControlRobot class has been created in an attempt to allow more realistic robots. That is, many real/physical robots are given commands in terms of rates ("move forward one meter per second"). Hence, the RateControlRobot helps simulating a real robot.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-06-08

Robocode has been released

With this release some additional bugs have been eliminated compared to the beta version.

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2791007] - FontMetrics StackOverflowError
* Bug [2791010] - Graphics2D.setFont() has no effect
* Bug [2793464] - setMaxVelocity(lower than current) + reverse direction bug
* Bug [2785448] - Wrong file path used for development bots. Refixed.
* Bug [2795854] - Installer says to run robocode.jar
* Bug [2795883] - Nanobot rumble not sending melee or team parameters. Thanks goes to Jerome Lavigne aka. Darkcanuck for this fix.
* Fixed three bugs introduced with the Beta version found using new test units:
** One bug where the speed would immediately drop to max. velocity when calling setMaxVelocity() - disregarding the acceleration and deceleration rules.
** Another bug where the turn rate was a bit wrong when moving back and turning left in the same time.
** A third bug where the robot continued to move backwards when it should have stopped due to setAhead(0) or setBack(0).

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-05-24

Robocode Beta has been released

With this beta, we corrected an old bug in Robocode with the robot speed and movement in some situations when a robot is decelerating. That is, a robot would only move 99% according to it's own rules. E.g. it could end with a distance remaining on -0.2 instead of 0, it could have a velocity higher than the set max. velocity, and it could take an extra turn to stop movement when decelerating. However, these 3 caveats does not occur that often. Hence, they should not have a big impact on the robot behavior and rankings on the RoboRumble etc.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-05-08

Robocode has been released

With this release we have focused on eliminating as many problems seen with RoboRumble as possible. Hence, this version should hopefully prove stable as the new RoboRumble client.

= Bugfixes for RoboRumble =
* Bug [2727675] - Meleerumble using 2 bots instead of 10. Now the MELEEBOTS (number of robots that participate in a melee battle) works as expected.
* Bug [2742554] - TeamRumble uploading result for Robot instead of team.
* Bug [2727667] - Not enough java memory allocated in launch scripts. The launch scripts for RoboRumble and TeamRumble were changed so it is allowed to use up to 512 MB heap memory, and MeleeRumble is allowed to use up to 1024 MB.
* Bug [2740403] - EOFException during repository rebuild. Exception is now reported in a simplified way.
* Bug [2742891] - JarJar multi-registration. RoboRumble was not reusing the same RobocodeEngine instance.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-04-10

Robocode 1.7.1 (final) has been released

Compared to 1.7.1 Beta 1 and Beta 2, this final release contains:

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2643448] - Editor UNDO does delete the line when no is undo left.
* Bug [2664844] - Editor: Find/replace dialog (set cursor position).
* Bug [2699018] - and were broken.
* Bug [2699028] - NullPointerException in BattlesRunner.runBattlesImpl.
* Bug [2703301] - Custom event priority was broken.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-03-24

Robocode 1.7.1 Beta 2

We fixed more bugs for the version 1.7.1 Beta 2. There are a few bugs left that are not considered critical, and which will be available with the final 1.7.1 release. Please try out this version and try to find as many bugs you possible can and report issues on the tracker for Robocode here:

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2658090] - Typing to find bot no longer works.
* Bug [2666598] - API: Typo in Documentation onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent).
* Bug [2658167] - Put back setTime() method of Event, the security is now handled other way, not by hiding the field
* Fixed the problem with loading team robots from nested .jar files.
* On Ubuntu (Linux) the "Default window size" did not work properly.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-03-11

Robocode 1.7.1 Beta

Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest!

With this release we give BIG thanks to Nat Pavasant who have put in great effort in testing and finding as many bugs in Robocode as possible. He has been a great help with testing especially RoboRumble@Home functionality.... read more

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-03-02


= Bugfix =
* The fix for "Bug [2597046] Compiler classpath not quoted" backfired, as the entire text field in the window with the compiler properties would now be quoted. Hence, the compiler would not be able to compile, and it was not possible to cheage the compiler preferences from the GUI.

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-02-15


Robocode fixes a major bug that some users have experienced when trying to start Robocode.

= Bugfixes =
* Bug [2596947] Fix needed to Robocode.bat: Some users experienced problems with starting Robocode. Hence, all startup batch and shell files for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X etc. have been corrected.
* Bug [2597046] Compiler classpath not quoted: When running Robocode in a folder with spaces, the compiler classpath was not quoted. Hence, the compiler would not work.

Posted by Flemming N. Larsen 2009-02-14