
RNS-E MP3 Manager / News: Recent posts

V1.0.3 Beta: Alternative Installation

Several uses have reported problems during the installation and, in an attempt to rule out problems with the MSI Wise installer, I have produced a standard installer using Microsoft's own Package and Deployment wizard that ships with VB6.

If you have already installed V1.0.3 previously and have errors when using it, then please download this ZIP. Once downloaded, extract it to a folder and double-click the setup.exe file. Make sure no other applications are running.... read more

Posted by benw123 2007-07-03

V1.0.3 Beta released

Following reports of a serious bug in V1.0.2, that occurred during the ripping process, V1.0.3 is released. There is also some extra validation during the start-up of the application to check for the three Win32 DLLs it uses.

Users of all previous versions are of course advised to upgrade to V1.0.3. The installer will simply overwrite the old version.

Posted by benw123 2007-06-20

Win32 Components released

For those who experience the "Error 1931" message during install, or get a "File Not Found" message:

I've uploaded the three DLLs the RNS-E MP3 Manager requires to work correctly. Go to the following site and under the Components package, you'll find three DLLs. Check for these in the program folder (i.e. the same folder that the RNS-E MP3 Manager is installed in) and if they are missing, download them and simply copy them into this folder with the application. ... read more

Posted by benw123 2007-06-19

V1.0.2 Beta Released

Following further testing and feedback from users, version 1.0.2 is now available. This corrects the following:

- The drag/drop Tracks feature into the Playlist window was not working. Now corrected;
- Add multiple tracks from the Common Dialog control (using either the CTRL or SHIFT keys and clicking each file);
- Track shuffle feature within the Playlist included for the first time.

As always, any feedback is welcome - please log it using the Tracker link under this website.

Posted by benw123 2007-06-16

V1.0.1 Beta Launched

I'm pleased to announce the release of V1.0.1, to coincide with the first publicity on the and websites. The bugs reported from V1.0.0 have been covered, but there's bound to be more and I'd be pleased to hear about them - please use the Tracker feature of this website to report them. Thanks, Ben

Posted by benw123 2007-06-13

Beta feedback logged

Personal thanks to Chris Coates, Charlie Openshaw, Neil Lewis and Simon Hunt for taking the time to download the software and provide valuable feedback. The bugs and feature requests from V1.0.0 have been logged (see Tracker). These will go into the next release which is already being coded, before publicity about the application can start. Cheers guys!

Posted by benw123 2007-06-08

V1.0.0 Beta Launched

I'm pleased to announce that the first version of the RNS-E MP3 Manager is now available! This is a Beta release, and so I'm looking for users to take a look at the software and provide feedback if possible. This will effectively get the project started. Many thanks, Ben

Posted by benw123 2007-06-06