
RMG 4.0 Released

We are proud to announce the release of RMG version 4.0.

Changes since the previous version (3.3) include:
- Support for sulfur (divalent) has been added, including many new thermo groups and reaction families.
- Improved support for automatic MM4 calculations to estimate the thermochemistry of cyclic molecules, including a new hybrid mode for reducing the number of MM4 calculations by first checking an existing database for corrections.
- A new reaction family for R group substitution on ethers has been added.
- RMG can now be constrained to only run pressure dependence for small molecules.
- Some Fortran modules now run as listener subprocesses to reduce the overhead of forking new processes, making RMG jobs run quite a bit faster.
- A new method for restarting jobs has been added, via saving of a new condition file on output with all of the final model core species.
- Some settings can now be optionally controlled using environment variables, particularly in the setting of output and scratch directories.
- Many new rate rules have been added, corrected, or otherwise improved.
- Many other bugfixes

Please let us know how you like the new version - your feedback helps us improve RMG for all users. Any bugs or feedback should be sent to

You can download RMG v4.0 at in either tarball or windows executable format.

Happy new year!

Thank you,

The RMG Developers

Posted by Connie Gao 2013-01-24

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