
Problems with installation KDWard

  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2011-02-16

    Dear friends,
    I have troubles with installation of KDWard on my laptop (Windows Vista x32).
    I tried two ways (RKWard on Windows_
    1) Using binary installation bundle.
    2) Custom installation: RKWard on Windows installer
    In the first case after extracting and creating foler with KDE and R I have files RKward-ico (with error path… so I see message: ") and RKward.bat (after running it I see follow message: "Please note that RKWard is not well tested on Windows, yet…." and than message aboute mistake rkward.bin.exe….
    In the second case… I can not install KDE…

    Can you help me with my problems?

    The best wishes!

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier


    Could you please post the exact error messages that you get (i.e. the one about something with RKWard.ico, and the one about rkward.bin.exe)?


  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2011-02-16

    Thank you very much!

    I`m sorry but I forgot say that systems language of my laptop is russian (so some folder`s name are cyrillic ).
    I change language. At present moment l have english language and some folder looking as "abrakadabra".
    So, if I run rhe RKWard-icon
    The first case, (see upper) process corrupt later!  :)
                           messege: Error starting R - RKward (black window)
    Family none
    Failed to create "C:/Users/???????/AppData/Roaming/.kde/cache-??????-??" failed to create "C:Users/?????/AppData/Roaming/.kde/tmp-???????-??" failed…. (3 times)

                          and than small window with follow message:

    There was a problem starting the R backend. The following error(s) occured:
    -There was a problem setting up the communication with R. Most likely this is due to an incorrect version of the `rkward` R-library or failure to find that at all. This indicates a broken installation.
    You should quit RKWard, now, and fix your installation. For help with that, see……
    Ïðèñîåäèíÿþ ïàêåò: 'rkward'
    The following object(s) are masked from 'package:graphics':
    The following object(s) are masked from 'package:grDevices':, dev.set, win.graph, windows, x11, X11
    The following object(s) are masked from 'package:utils':
    menu, select.list
    The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':
    makeActiveBinding, q, quit, require, setwd, Sys.setlocale
    starting httpd help server … done
    Îøèáêà â file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
    íå ìîãó îòêðûòü ñîåäèíåíèå
    Âäîáàâîê: Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèå
    In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
    íå ìîãó îòêðûòü ôàéë 'C:/Users/????????/.rkward//rk_out.html': Invalid argument

    Left click Ok……. and than message aboute terminate of rkward.bin.exe (sorry… text on russian language but idea  - "terminate")

    The second case (Custom installation: RKWard on Windows installer)
    When I install KDE in the last moment I see thу message aboute terminate kwinstartmenu.exe


  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2011-02-16

    chronicle of events (of failure)

    1 -
    2 -
    3 -
    4 -
    5 -

    I`m so sorry.
    I try use the JGR console, but detect that JGR frequent hang on my laptop…
    I have found (for himself) KDWard… but to not avail…as yet)

    Thank you for help!

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier

    Ok, thanks for the info.

    After looking around some more, it appears, there is a known problem for all KDE on Windows applications, when your username contains "non-latin1" characters: . Well… That's bad.

    Of course the obvious workaround is to create a user with only latin1 or even ascii characters in the name, and to run RKWard as that user (no new installation of KDE and RKWard should be needed). Sorry that I can't offer a better alternative, ATM.


  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2011-02-16

    I will try…

    The best regards