
turn off focus indication

  • Marc Schmid

    Marc Schmid - 2011-05-16


    Is there a way to turn off the focus indication (red borders around the active window)?

    Don't really need it (the oxygen-theme on my KDE is doing this indication anyway) and it looks rather ugly ^ ^

    Best regards

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier


    No, there is no option to turn this off, ATM, although it is somewhat obsolete with the oxygen theme, indeed. You can:
    - hope that I will remember to fix this
    - submit a feature request (
    - if you know a bit of programming, submit a patch. The files to look at are rkmdiwindow.cpp, and the files in the settings-directory (probably rksettingsmodulegeneral.cpp would be the place to add an option).


  • Marc Schmid

    Marc Schmid - 2011-05-17

    Hi Thomas

    thank you for the answer. I guess I'll either hope or try with the patch (if I find the time and my skills are good enough).

    all the best,


  • Marc Schmid

    Marc Schmid - 2011-05-17

    regarding the patching:

    the rkward.kdevprj is for KDevelop3 (KDevelop4 with cmakelist crashes whenever I open a file or try to edit a file (that appears to be still open after the crash))?

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier

    You are right, rkward.kdevprj is long obsolete. I have removed it from SVN, now, and added my kdevelop4 project file, instead. I hope that will work for you.


  • Marc Schmid

    Marc Schmid - 2011-05-17

    thanks (however - did not bring me a lot further).

    KDevelop4 still crashes:
    I can open any file from the rkward/trunk/rkward as long as it is directly within this folder. Opening any other file in the subfolders results in a crash of KDevelop4  (e.g. the ones you pointed out in rkward/trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/…).

    any idea to get around this problem?

    best regards,

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier

    any idea to get around this problem?

    Hm, not really. Try a different version of kdevelop, if you have that option.

    Perhaps, try waiting for some time after you have opened the project, until kdevelop is done with parsing everything. Or try restarting kdevelop after opening the project file. Or use kate…

    Sorry that I can't offer any better advice, here.


  • Marc Schmid

    Marc Schmid - 2011-05-17

    hm - I did wait - and other things are also not working. But anyway - I think I will get once a way around that error ;)

    yes - kate would be an option - but as I'm not really professional I'd like to avoid this - searching for class links and so is no fun ;)

    well - I'll report if I solved the problem/used another version/editor.

    have a nice day,
