
Using the RKward console

  • The Thunder Chimp


    I'm new to RKward. I can't seem to manage to use the console correctly.
    When I type in 2+2, 4 isn't output.
    When I press Shift+F7, so as to run the selected line, nothing happens.
    How can I get output out of the console at the bottom of the screen.

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier


    You are talking about the tool window labelled "R Console", right?

    When I type in 2+2, 4 isn't output.

    Then what is the output you get?

    When I press Shift+F7, so as to run the selected line, nothing happens.

    That shortcut is not available inside the console. Use Shift+F8 to run the selection (not necessarily exactly one line). Use Up-Arrow to review / reuse commands that you entered, before.

    How can I get output out of the console at the bottom of the screen.

    You mean, how to send output to the "Output Window"? There are special commands for that, most importantly rk.print(). Alternatively, if you simply want to log your work, use "Run->CC commands to output".

    Hope this helps. Keep asking, if problems persist (but make sure to include your RKWard version number, next time).
