RKWard does not currently have such a shortcut. Assigning one is not trivial. Basically, I know of two options, ATM:
1) Use the vi input mode of the embedded editor: http://kate-editor.org/kate-vi-mode/ . In Settings->Configure Editor->Editing->Vi Input mode you can set up custom command sequences, in this case something list "<f2> -> i<-<esc>".
2) If you already have KDE 4.6, you can script an action to insert "<-" at the current cursor position: http://kate-editor.org/2010/07/09/kate-scripted-actions/ . Such a script can also be assigned a shortcut.
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Hi all
I was wondering if rkward has any shortcut for the symbol <- . If not, is it possible to assign one?
Best regards, olipalli
RKWard does not currently have such a shortcut. Assigning one is not trivial. Basically, I know of two options, ATM:
1) Use the vi input mode of the embedded editor: http://kate-editor.org/kate-vi-mode/ . In Settings->Configure Editor->Editing->Vi Input mode you can set up custom command sequences, in this case something list "<f2> -> i<-<esc>".
2) If you already have KDE 4.6, you can script an action to insert "<-" at the current cursor position: http://kate-editor.org/2010/07/09/kate-scripted-actions/ . Such a script can also be assigned a shortcut.
Thank you so much for your reply Thomas, it was indeed helpful :)