
R script

  • Jin

    Jin - 2015-07-26

    Is it possible to find the original R script of the recent workspace saved?

  • Thomas Friedrichsmeier


    Depends on what exactly you are looking for, but in all likelihood, the answer is: No. Workspaces are simply not tied to any one R script in R. The workspace could be the result of running many different scripts or no script at all.

    RKWard does support the concept of "workplaces", meaning a set of script and data windows associated with a particular saved workspace. When loading a workspace via Workspace->Open [Recent] Workspace, the workplace will be restored, automatically. However, if you have closed the script file in question before saving the workspace, there is again no association between the workspace and the script. (If you are R savy, and want more details and flexibilitly, see ?

    In case you're simply trying to locate a recent script file, look at File->Open Recent R Script File.

    Hope this helps.