
Time Keeper / News: Recent posts

Rinjani Project

Mount Rinjani sets the profile of Lombok island. The meeting tools we developed became highlights of the workshop on Rewards for Environmental Services. Many participants requested copies to use in the next event they will organize themselves.

Posted by Muchlish, Usman 2007-02-01

Paperless Meeting Tool with Flash Disk/USB Memory stick

This manual is shareable, and I hope easy to understand but not perfect, if you have suggestion or comment feel free to register at to revise the manual.

I. Requirement:

1. Pentium 800MHz or latter
2. Minimum Memory 256MB
3. HDD 256MB hdd space, it depend on the source/master copy to be synchronize.

II. Preparation the System

1. Windows XP SP with Autorun Ver. 2.0 installed
2. TweakUI tools: free download from: Microsoft PowerToy
3. Syncronization tools with commandline enable (SynchronizeIT or Rsync is recommended)
4. Source/Master Folder is defined.... read more

Posted by Muchlish, Usman 2007-02-01

Innovations in Lombok

From: van Noordwijk, Meine (ICRAF)
Subject: Innovations in Lombok

Dear all

Just back from an estafette of meetings on rewards/payments for environmental services, I'd like to share with you three innovations that worked well:

1. Approaching the paper-less meeting goal. In line with the need to be aware of our ecological footprint, saving money and enhancing the quality of what participants take home from a meeting, we came up with the following:
- all participants received a 'memory stick' (flash drive) on the first day, loaded with the background material, abstracts and other files as available at that time, accessible through a simple web-page
- as soon as more material (including digital camera imagery) became available, it was uploaded on a couple of notebooks; essentially one mouse click + 1 minute was enough to get everything updated/synchronized
- the meeting organizers restricted the use of photocopies to the base minimum, and yet (nearly) satisfied all requests for information to take home... read more

Posted by Muchlish, Usman 2007-02-01