
GUIde / News: Recent posts

Improved tests

During the testing phase of the software, I need to run different dialogs containing controls prepared for tests. To improve this common task, I have changed the way that tests are launched making my life a bit easier. Take a look at the screenshots to see how test forms are used from now.

<a id="Tests1" title="Tests1" href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Tests1" width=200/></a> &nbsp; <a id="Tests2" title="Tests2" href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Tests2" width=200/></a>

Posted by Razvan Predescu 2008-08-30

Project website updated

Project website was updated last week and now has a new look. Not all the pages are up to date, but the most important information is there. With the hope that the new face of the site will be easier to use, we wish you all to enjoy it.

Posted by Razvan Predescu 2008-08-11

Subversion commits

Today were committed changes that provides makefiles to build the library on Linux and Windows tools other than Microsoft Visual Studio: Mingw (from and DevC++ (from

Have a successful build!

Posted by Razvan Predescu 2008-07-20