
Rhino Indexer / News: Recent posts

Major renovations!

After a long lull (from working on my website) I have gotten back into the swing of things. And Rhino is getting a huge facelift. Instead of moving into beta, Rhino will be redesigned with a new GUI and a new back end. Its a major undertaking, but Rhino will come out better than ever.

Currently, I am working on the GUI (using the Prof-UIS GUI toolkit). It's looking really good, and I think my design facilitates a very organized and flexible back end and is very intuitive and powerful. Just wait and see!

Posted by Brian Johnstone 2004-08-10

Back to normal

I have received my computer and it appears that everything is intact. I can return to development. This means I'll be pushing for BETA release sometime soon.

Posted by Brian Johnstone 2004-06-22

AHH! Problems

I just downloaded the source and attempted to work on the project (adding handlers for all of the menu items that currently don't have ones) and it seems I packaged the source code improperly. All of the code files are there but important parts of the visual studio project files are missing. Since my home machine died Sunday! I can't work on it until it gets fixed (and hope my harddrive didn't fry with the rest). I suppose I could rebuild the project, copy and paste and import but it will take a while to get back on my feet. So expect some delays for the beta.

Posted by Brian Johnstone 2004-06-04

Alpha submitted

I submitted the alpha build earlier in the week. Everything seems to be working. The NSIS setup was simple and it seems to be a very powerful and flexible tool, plus free. It seems I will have no need for InstallShield. Good luck! Beta is coming down the pipes, just remember to post those bugs!

Posted by Brian Johnstone 2004-06-04

Up and running it seems

Ok. I didn't notice that the project was approved. The Rhino Indexer is up and running in alpha version 0.2. The only left to do before beta is to add in the HTML format for the indexing (now it's just plain text). So, once I build an installer package (NSIS) I will post the installer. I got pretty messy near the end with the code (adding methods and attributes on-the-fly) so I want to clean it up and do some commenting before I release the source. Look for it in about a week.... read more

Posted by Brian Johnstone 2004-05-20