
RHex Robot Control Software Libraries / News: Recent posts

RHexLib 1.0 released

RHexLib 1.0 is finally out.

Some of the new features are:
- Threaded module manager
- Improved experiment runner
- Example walking experiment runner
- Some bugfixes and improvements

Posted by Uluc Saranli 2001-08-15

RHexLib 1.0-beta released!

The 1.0-beta release of RHexLib marks the clean separation of the core library components from institutional local libraries. From this point on, the development of the core components will be much more strict and controlled. Development on local libraries will proceed much like the development on the earlier stages of the core library itself.

Posted by Uluc Saranli 2001-07-20

RHexLib initial version

RHexLib is the control software for the RHex robot. This marks the initial release of the project in SourceForge.

Posted by Uluc Saranli 2001-07-12