
Fleet Logistics

After much debate with myself about ethics and legalities, I've decided to incorporate some work that I did that the client never paid for and so never received. Fleet logistics portions have been incorporated into the database... and after some fancy footwork, I'm probably going to see about getting PC-Miller mileages (the same kinds of mileages found on road atlases) for the database. The fleet logistics software includes industry-standard CSV functionality (no, I didn't mean CVS, to those who wonder), and a really nice little load matcher that, when operational, would allow truckers to find loads, and those providing loads to find available drivers. This type of load-matching service is on no fewer that 50 sites already, though I've noticed that the bulk of them tend to use CGI/perl rather than PHP in any form (with a couple of very notable exceptions). Adding account expiration data to the fleets_users table will also allow for people to charge drivers, carriers, or both for access to this data, or possibly to allow it for free and charge for other services (configurability of this system is really going to have to be good).

Keep in mind that this package is at least a year from initial alpha release at this point, folks... I've already had one person contact me, wanting the load-matching stuff. It hasn't been posted because I'm the only developer and so there's really no need yet.

Posted by Ray Jenson 2006-02-14

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