Activity for Rhea

  • Kerhornou Kerhornou created a blog post

    Rhea release 115

  • Kerhornou Kerhornou created a blog post

    Rhea release 114

  • Kerhornou Kerhornou created a blog post

    Rhea release 113

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 112

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 111

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 110

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    New paper

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 109

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 108

  • tlombard tlombard modified a blog post

    Maintenance announcement

  • tlombard tlombard modified a blog post

    Maintenance announcement

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Maintenance announcement

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 107

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 106

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 105

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 104

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 102

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 101

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 100

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 99

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 98

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 97

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 96

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 95

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 94

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 93

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6396]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6395]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6394]

    Fixed http to https in advanced search using chebi (no http->https anymore on 2018-04-09 for chebi) - for MET-609

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6393]

    added more selenium wait.until(...) for better test stability - for MET-350

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6392]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6391]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6390]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6389]

    Updated wicket to latest version 6.x version (6.28.0) - for MET-550

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6388]

    added some elementToBeClickable for more test stability - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6387]

    added some more selenium JavascriptExecutor scrollIntoView for more test stability - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6386]

    selenium tests fixes: added javascript-based scrolling in case a result is not visible in a list - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6385]

    avoid multiple clicks at the same time - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6384]

    avoid multiple clicks at the same time - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 92

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6383]

    updated rhea spreadsheets stats, manually, with rhea-statistics_2018-03-26.csv - release 92. Removed unipathway stats for MET-684

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6382]

    updated to latest selenium version - for MET-9

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6381]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6380]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6379]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6378]

    Cleaning: removed info about UniPathway xrefs from the statistics page (xrefs have been deleted from the db) - for MET-684

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6377]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6376]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6375]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6374]

    Switch to https: showing rhea reactions result urls without /rhea/, since some clients don't follow the redirects with https - for MET-609

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6373]

    new release

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6372]

    new release

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6371]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6370]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6369]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6368]

    Switch to https: showing rhea reactions result with https instead of http.

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6367]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6366]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6365]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6364]

    automatic redirects from http to https - adapted URL and unit tests in demo client code - for MET-609

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6363]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6362]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6361]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6360]

    ...Re-enabling display of news from rss - for MET-533

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6359]

    robots.txt allowing all User-agents for all directories/files

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6358]

    Re-enabling display of news from rss - for MET-533

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6357]

    Cleaning: removed javascript-based annonce for forthcoming redirect to https on http page - automatic redirects are in place and no http page is shown anymore - for MET-609

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6356]

    updated rhea spreadsheets stats, manually, with rhea-statistics_2018-02-28.csv - release 91.

  • tlombard tlombard created a blog post

    Rhea release 91

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6355]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6354]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6353]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6352]

    fixed doc in changes.xml

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6351]

    added download section for new rhea.rdf + news - for MET-465

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6350]

    new release

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6349]

    new release

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6348]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6347]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6346]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6345]

    Added README-RDF.txt for ftp - first export of rhea.rdf during monthly release to ftp - for MET-465

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6344]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6343]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6342]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6341]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6340]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6339]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6338]

    ...Replaced "List pending updates (formula/charge/structure)" with "List pending updates (all)" and show cases with null structures or null computed formula/charge - for MET-689

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6337]

    ...Replaced "List pending updates (formula/charge/structure)" with "List pending updates (all)" and show cases with null structures or null computed formula/charge - for MET-689

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6336]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6335]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6334]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6333]

    manually setting version to next -SNAPSHOT (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6332]

    manually tagging (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6331]

    ready to release manually (not using maven release plugin)

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6330]

    Replaced "List pending updates (formula/charge/structure)" with "List pending updates (all)" and show cases with null structures - for MET-689

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6329]

    Replaced "List pending updates (formula/charge/structure)" with "List pending updates (all)" and show cases with null structures - for MET-689

  • tlombard tlombard committed [r6328]

    Allow to user-accept old pending chebi update even if not used in reaction anymore - for MET-688

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