
RFC 3442 DHCP Listener Service / News: Recent posts

rfc3442svc documentation: how to configure isc-dhcpd

A document describing a simple configuration recipie for the isc-dhcpd server is released. Check for more details.

Posted by Lev Shamardin 2004-04-16

rfc3442svc: first beta version is out

First beta version of rfc3442svc released.

Posted by Lev Shamardin 2004-01-30

rfc3442svc: Initial project release is in CVS

Source & binary distribution will be released in the next few days. Project file for the Visual C++ is also available in CVS. You will need the Message Compiler utility from the Platform SDK to build the project.

Posted by Lev Shamardin 2004-01-30