
Tree [d4e0ff] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 examples 2009-10-16 mikolasj mikolasj [3f195b] adding examples
 lib 2009-10-20 mikolasj mikolasj [91a8e4] Upgrading CLOPS and usage on wrong command line...
 resources 2009-10-16 mikolasj mikolasj [2ce2e4] cleanup
 src 2009-10-20 mikolasj mikolasj [91a8e4] Upgrading CLOPS and usage on wrong command line...
 web 2009-10-22 Viliam Holub Viliam Holub [d4e0ff] New picture of subtyping
 .gitignore 2009-10-16 mikolasj mikolasj [575226] modif .gitignore
 README 2009-10-20 mikolasj mikolasj [8a7031] Updating README 2009-10-22 Viliam Holub Viliam Holub [d4e0ff] New picture of subtyping
 build.xml 2009-10-22 Viliam Holub Viliam Holub [d4e0ff] New picture of subtyping
 run 2009-10-20 mikolasj mikolasj [91a8e4] Upgrading CLOPS and usage on wrong command line...

Read Me

RExASTor is a tool for automatic generation of Extended Abstract
Syntax Trees (XASTs) into Java. Unlike many other code generators,
RExASTor preserves type-safety and code reuse across related ASTs.

To compile
Run ant

To Run

Interesting Files
examples -- input examples, these can be tried out by "ant -e -Dtest-file=FILENAME test-parser"
tmp -- output of generation

resources/InterfaceTemplate.vm -- template for interfaces corresponding to the input types
resources/ImplementationTemplate.vm -- template for implementations of the interfaces