
Revival/2k / News: Recent posts

Revival/2k 1.0.1 released

Revival/2k has released a new version of the Extended Web-Interface. v1.0.1 is now available. Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information.

The initial release of the WIGUEST module has also been made. v0.1.0 is also available, and requires the The extended web-interface v1.0.1 or later to operate. ... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2003-02-13

Revival/2k : Multiple Releases.

Revival/2k has released a new version of the Extended Web-Interface. v1.0.0 is now available.

The initial release of the WINEWS module has also been made. v0.1.0 is also available, and requires the The extended web-interface v1.0.0 or later to operate.

Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information. ... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2003-02-06

Revival/2K Core + Admin release : v0.4.0

Version 0.4.0 of the Revival/2k Web-Interface Core has been released.

Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information.

This release completes basic functionality. After a period of testing this release, it will likely be released with minor changes as v1.0.0 final.

Posted by Kevin Brown 2003-02-03

Revival/2k - Progress of v0.4.0

Well, Revival/2k has been BUSY recently. I've decided to keep each release in it's own module... that way, a base-line can be maintained between versions <easier if I forget to keep the release notes updated> the current dev towards v0.4.0 can be found in CVS under revival2k/CoreExt0_4_0 this is fully functional, and can be installed by the same method as a normal release. <*NOTE* DB changes will need to be made manually if you want to upgrade from here. it is suggested this be only used for test situations.>... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2003-01-29

R2K - Resume

Well, it's been a while, things got good and hectic over the holidays, and as I'm sure most everyone noticed, production ground to a screeching halt. Well, I'm back, and I have a little spare time again, so it's back to work. The first thing I'm doing is beginning an upgrade project. This wil be one page only per release, but it will upgrade the DB structures to the most current standard. This is a task I was putting off until we went into stable releases, but I'm seeing now that it's already becoming a necessity... particularly if anyone is using R2k in a more active test environment.... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2003-01-23

Revival/2K Core release : v0r3p0 Beta

Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information.

This release impliments remote user creation. This is the first fully functional release of the WICORE component. further releases will likely consist primarily of enhancements, and bug fixes. Other components should supply the bulk of new functionality.

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-11-06

Revival/2K Core release : v0r2p0

Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information.

Release v0r2p0 is a complete re-write of the WICORE component. WICORE is now written completely in jsp, no asp code remains.

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-11-04

Revival/2k : Addition a Project Manager

I just wanted to post a quick note welcoming Bronlar to the project. Bronlar will be picking up some of the project management responsibilities so that I can get back to some more serious coding. Bronlar is interested in BBSs, as well as web design, and I think he'll be able to offer quite a bit to this project.

thanks again to everyone, and welcome aboard Bronlar.

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-10-31

Revival/2k Old-Code Re-release

Revival/2k is a modular network interface system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login, etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information.

I just finished releasing some heavily modified versions of the old telnet server source code into the CVS repository. These contain some major revisions over the last version I had uploaded to the sourceforge site.... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-10-31

Thanks to everyone, now, back to work...

I just wanted to post a quick note thanking all the people who have joined up with the project over the past few weeks.

I posted the listings without really expecting much response... What I got was, well, overwhelming. I've been so busy lately replying to potential developers, artists, doc writers, etc that I myself have had very little time to actually work on the project... anyway... here are some things I'm looking into...... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-10-22

Direction change

Today, I'm going to begin a bit of a direction change for Revival/2k. Up until now, I haven't been showing the concern I should for the cross platform abilities of the web interfaces. ASP is usable by most if only because there are options for hosting the ASP offsite... but, it does still have the MS only ring to it that so many people dispise... so, as a result, I'm going to start re-writing the core component into into server-side java, I'm not as good with Java as I am with VB, but, I guess I'll learn right? :) ... read more

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-10-16

Revival/2k Core Release &lt;alpha&gt;

Recently an alpha release of Revival/2k was made. This release is to demonstrate the Front end of Revival/2k. New user, and admin functionality are to follow. For now, all DB changes must be made without an associated web-interface. Updates to make administration easier are expected within the month.

Posted by Kevin Brown 2002-10-01