
Retrotranslator 1.0.5 released

Retrotranslator is a Java bytecode transformer that translates Java classes compiled with JDK 5.0 into classes that can be run on JVM 1.4. Supported features: generics, annotations, reflection on generics and annotations, enums, autoboxing, for-each loop, varargs, static import, concurrency utilities, collections framework enhancements.

Changes in Retrotranslator 1.0.5:
- New -advanced option allows to override Java 1.4 methods.
- Supported in BigDecimal: ZERO, ONE, TEN, pow(int), toPlainString(), valueOf(double), valueOf(long).
- Supported BigDecimal.setScale(int, int) for negative scales in advanced mode.
- Ability to process UTF-8 text files in addition to bytecode: "-srcmask *.class;*.tld".
- getMethod(String, Class...) and getDeclaredMethod(String, Class...) are intercepted in advanced mode to better support generics and covariant return types on several JVM implementations, e.g. JRockit 1.4.2_08-b03.
- Upgraded to backport-util-concurrent 2.2.
- Deleted ( is used instead), so retrotranslator-runtime-1.0.5.jar is NOT binary compatible with retrotranslator-runtime-1.0.4.jar.

Posted by Taras Puchko 2006-06-05

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