

Joao Vitor Soares


   AUTHOR = {J. V. B. Soares AND R. M. Cesar-Jr.},
   EDITOR = {H. F. Jelinek and M. J. Cree},
   BOOKTITLE = {Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology},
   TITLE = {Segmentation of Retinal Vasculature Using Wavelets and Supervised Classification: Theory and Implementation},
   PUBLISHER = {CRC Press},
   YEAR = {2009},
   NOTE = {To appear},
   PDF = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. V. B. Soares AND R. M. Cesar-Jr.},
   TITLE = {Relatório de progresso descrevendo alguns avanços em 2006-2007},
   INSTITUTION = {Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo},
   YEAR = {2007},
   MONTH = {July},
   PDF = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. V. B. Soares},
   TITLE = {Segmentação de vasos sangüíneos em imagens de retina usando wavelets e classificadores estatísticos},
   SCHOOL = {Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo},
   MONTH = {November},
   YEAR = {2006},
   PDF = {},

   AUTHOR = {J. V. B. Soares AND J. J. G. Leandro AND R. M. Cesar-Jr. AND H. F. Jelinek AND M. J. Cree},
   TITLE = {Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using the 2-{D} {G}abor Wavelet and Supervised Classification},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2006},
   VOLUME = {25},
   ISSUE = {9},
   PAGES = {1214--1222},
   PDF = {},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. V. B. Soares and J. J. G. Leandro and R. M. Cesar-Jr. and H. F. Jelinek 
              and M. J. Cree},
   TITLE = {Using the 2-{D} Morlet Wavelet with Supervised Classification for 
              Retinal Vessel Segmentation},
   BOOKTITLE = {IV Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, CD-ROM - 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI},
   YEAR = {2005},
   ADDRESS = {Natal, RN},

   AUTHOR = {Cornforth, D. J. and Jelinek, H. F. and Leandro, J. J. G. and Soares, J. V. B and Cesar-Jr., R. M. and Cree, M.
 J. and Mitchell, P. and Bossomaier, T. R. J.},
   TITLE = {Development of Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Methodology Using Wavelet Transforms for Assessment of Diabetic
   JOURNAL = {Complexity International},
   VOLUME = {11},
   URL = {},
   YEAR = {2005}

   AUTHOR = {J. J. G. Leandro and J. V. B. Soares and M. Cesar-Jr., R. and H. F. Jelinek},
   TITLE = {Blood vessels segmentation in non-mydriatic images using Wavelets and statistical classifiers},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI},
   YEAR = {2003},
   PAGES = {262-269},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Jorge J. G. Leandro and M. Cesar-Jr., R. and Herbert Jelinek},
   TITLE = {Blood Vessels Segmentation in Retina: Preliminary Assessment of the Mathematical Morphology and of the Wavelet Transform Techniques},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI},
   YEAR = {2001},
   ISBN = {0-7695-1330-1},
   PAGES = {84--90},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {R. M. Rangayyan AND F. J. Ayres AND F. Oloumi AND F. Oloumi AND P. Eshghzadeh-Zanjani},
   TITLE = {Detection of blood vessels in the retina with multiscale {G}abor filters},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Electronic Imaging},
   YEAR = {2008},
   VOLUME = {17},
   NUMBER = {2},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {E. Ricci AND  R. Perfetti},
   TITLE = {Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Line Operators and Support Vector Classification},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2007},
   VOLUME = {26},
   NUMBER = {10},
   PAGES = {1357--1365},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. Sofka AND C. V. Stewart},
   TITLE = {Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2006},
   VOLUME = {25},
   ISSUE = {12},
   PAGES = {1531-1546},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. J. Staal and M. D. Abràmoff and M. Niemeijer and M. A. Viergever and B. van Ginneken},
   TITLE = {Ridge based vessel segmentation in color images of the retina},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {23},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {501--509},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. Niemeijer AND J. J. Staal AND B. van Ginneken AND M. Loog AND M. D. Abràmoff},
   TITLE = {Comparative study of retinal vessel segmentation methods on a new publicly available database},
   BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Medical Imaging},
   EDITOR = {J. Michael Fitzpatrick AND M. Sonka},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {5370},
   PAGES = {648-656},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {C. Sinthanayothin and J. Boyce and C. T. Williamson},
   TITLE = {Automated Localisation of the Optic Disc, Fovea, and Retinal Blood Vessels from Digital Colour Fundus Images},
   JOURNAL = {British Journal of Ophthalmology},
   YEAR = {1999},
   VOLUME = {83},
   PAGES = {902-910},
   URL = {}

   TITLE = {Back-propagation network and its configuration for blood vessel detection in angiograms},
   AUTHOR = {Reza Nekovei and Ying Sun},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks},
   VOLUME = {6},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {64-72},
   YEAR = {1995},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Gao, X. and Bharath, A. and Stanton, A. and Hughes, A. and Chapman, N. and Thom, S.},
   TITLE = {A Method of Vessel Tracking for Vessel Diameter Measurement on Retinal Images},
   YEAR = {2001},
   PAGES = {881-884},
   VOLUME = 2,
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. Lalonde and L. Gagnon and M.-C Boucher},
   TITLE = {Non-recursive paired tracking for vessel extraction from retinal images},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the Conference Vision Interface 2000},
   PAGES = {61--68},
   YEAR = {2000}

   AUTHOR = {A. Can and H. Shen and J. N. Turner and H. L. Tanenbaum and B. Roysam},
   TITLE = {Rapid automated tracing and feature extraction from retinal fundus images using direct exploratory algorithms},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine},
   YEAR = {1999},
   VOLUME = {3},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {125--138},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Y. A. Tolias and S. M. Panas},
   TITLE = {A fuzzy vessel tracking algorithm for retinal images based on fuzzy clustering},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   PAGES = {263-273},
   YEAR = {1998},
   VOLUME = {17},
   MONTH = {April},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {O. Chutatape and Liu Zheng and S. M. Krishnan},
   TITLE = {Retinal Blood Vessel Detection and Tracking by Matched {G}aussian and {K}alman Filters},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (EMBS'98)},
   VOLUME = {20},
   PAGES = {3144--3149},
   YEAR = {1998},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {L. Zhou and M. S. Rzeszotarski and L. J. Singerman and J. M. Chokreff},
   TITLE = {The detection and quantification of retinopathy using digital angiograms},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {1994},
   VOLUME = {13},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {619--626},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {I. Liu and Y. Sun},
   TITLE = {Recursive tracking of vascular networks in angiograms based on the detection-deletion scheme},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {1993},
   VOLUME = {12},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {334-341},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Delphine Nain and Anthony Yezzi and Greg Turk},
   TITLE = {Vessel Segmentation Using a Shape Driven Flow},
   BOOKTITLE = {Medical Image Computing and Comptuer-assisted Intervention - MICCAI},
   PAGES = {51--59},
   YEAR = {2004},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {A. Vasilevskiy and K. Siddiqi},
   TITLE = {Flux maximizing geometric flows},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
   VOLUME: = {24},
   ISSUE = {12},
   PAGES = {1565--1578},
   YEAR = 2002,
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {T. McInerney and D. Terzopoulos},
   TITLE = {T-snakes: Topology adaptive snakes},
   JOURNAL = {Medical Image Analysis},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {4},
   ISSUE = {2},
   PAGES = {73--91},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Ricardo Toledo and Xavier Orriols and Xavier Binefa and Petia Radeva and Jordi Vitrià and J.J. Villanueva},
   TITLE = {Tracking of Elongated Structures Using Statistical Snakes},
   BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {1157},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. A. Sethian},
   TITLE = {Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods: Evolving Interfaces in Computational Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision, and Materials Science},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   YEAR = {1999}

   AUTHOR = {B. S. Y. Lam AND Y. Gao AND A. W.-C. Liew},
   TITLE = {General Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Regularization-based Multi-concavity Modeling},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2010},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {B. S. Y. Lam AND H. Yan},
   TITLE = {A Novel Vessel Segmentation Algorithm for Pathological Retina Images Based on the Divergence of Vector Fields},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2008},
   VOLUME = {27},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {237--246},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. E. Martinez-Perez AND A. D. Hughes AND S. A. Thom AND A. A. Bharath AND K. H. Parker},
   TITLE = {Segmentation of blood vessels from red-free and fluorescein retinal images},
   JOURNAL = {Medical Image Analysis},
   YEAR = {2007},
   VOLUME = {11},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {47--61},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {L. Wang AND A. Bhalerao AND R. Wilson},
   TITLE = {Analysis of Retinal Vasculature Using a Multiresolution Hermite Model},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2007},
   VOLUME = {26},
   ISSUE = {2},
   PAGES = {137-152},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {A. M. Mendonça AND A. Campilho},
   TITLE = {Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels by Combining the Detection of Centerlines and Morphological Reconstruction},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   PAGES = {1200- 1213},
   VOLUME = {25},
   ISSUE = {9},
   YEAR = {2006},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Q. Li AND J. You AND L. Zhang D. Zhang AND P. Bhattacharya},
   TITLE = {A New Approach to Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Multiscale Analysis},
   YEAR = {2006},
   MONTH = {August},
   PAGES = {77--80},
   VOLUME = {4},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Lowell, J. and Hunter, A. and Steel, D. and Basu, A. and Ryder, R. and Kennedy, R.L.},
   TITLE = {Measurement of Retinal Vessel Widths from Fundus Images Based on 2-{D} Modeling},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   VOLUME = {23},
   YEAR = {2004},
   NUMBER = {10},
   MONTH = {October},
   PAGES = {1196-1204},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {K. A. Vermeer AND F. M. Vos AND H. G. Lemij AND A. M. Vossepoel},
   TITLE = {A model based method for retinal blood vessel detection},
   JOURNAL = {Computers in Biology and Medicine},
   VOLUME = {34},
   YEAR = {2004},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {209-219},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Fang, B. and Hsu, W. and Lee, M.L.},
   TITLE = {Reconstruction of vascular structures in retinal images},
   YEAR = {2003},
   PAGES = {157--160},
   VOLUME = 2

   AUTHOR = {Xiaoyi Jiang and Daniel Mojon},
   TITLE = {Adaptive Local Thresholding by Verification-Based Multithreshold Probing with Application to Vessel Detection in Retinal Images},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
   VOLUME = {25},
   NUMBER = {1},
   YEAR = {2003},
   ISSN = {0162-8828},
   PAGES = {131--137},
   DOI = {},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}

   AUTHOR = {L. Wang AND A. Bhalerao},
   TITLE = {Model Based Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Images},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA)},
   YEAR = {2003},
   ADDRESS = {Gotenberg, Sweden},
   MONTH = {June},
   PAGES = {422--429},
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {L. Gang and O. Chutatape and S. M. Krishnan},
   TITLE = {Detection and measurement of retinal vessels in fundus images using amplitude modified second-order {G}aussian filter},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering},
   YEAR = {2002},
   VOLUME = {49},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {168--172},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {E. Thönnes and A. Bhalerao and W. Kendall and R.G. Wilson},
   TITLE = {A {B}ayesian approach to inferring vascular tree structure from 2{D} imagery},
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
   YEAR = {2002},
   ADDRESS = {Rochester, USA},
   MONTH = {September},
   VOLUME = {2},
   PAGES = {937--940},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {F. Zana and J.-C. Klein},
   TITLE = {Segmentation of vessel-like patterns using mathematical morphology and curvature evaluation},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
   PAGES = {1010-1019},
   VOLUME = {10},
   ISSUE = {7},
   YEAR = {2001},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {A. Hoover and V. Kouznetsova and M. Goldbaum},
   TITLE = {Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piece-wise threshold probing of a matched filter response},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   PAGES = {203-210},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {19},
   MONTH = {March},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. E. Martínez-Pérez and A. D. Hughes and A. V. Stanton and S. A. Thom and A. A. Bharath and K. H. Parker},
   TITLE = {Retinal blood vessel segmentation by means of scale-space analysis and region growing
   BOOKTITLE = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention - MICCAI},
   PAGES = {90--97},
   YEAR = {1999}

   AUTHOR = {S. Chaudhuri and S. Chatterjee and N. Katz and M. Nelson and M. Goldbaum},
   TITLE = {Detection of blood vessels in retinal images using two-dimensional matched filters},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   PAGES = {263-269},
   YEAR = {1989},
   VOLUME = {8},
   ISSUE = {3},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. Niemeijer AND J. J. Staal AND B. van Ginneken AND M. Loog AND M. D. Abràmoff},
   TITLE = {Comparative study of retinal vessel segmentation methods on a new publicly available database},
   BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Medical Imaging},
   EDITOR = {J. Michael Fitzpatrick AND M. Sonka},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {5370},
   PAGES = {648-656},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {K. H. Fritzsche and A. Can and H. Shen and C.-L. Tsai and J. N. Turner and H. L. Tanenbaum and C. V. Stewart and B. Roysam},
   TITLE = {Automated Model-Based Segmentation, Tracing, and Analysis of Retinal Vasculature From Digital Fundus Images},
   BOOKTITLE = {Angiography and Plaque Imaging: Advanced Segmentation Techniques
   PUBLISHER = {CRC Press},
   YEAR = {2003},
   PAGES = {225--297},
   EDITOR = {J. Suri and S. Laxminarayan},
   URL = {}

   EDITOR = {K. W. Bowyer and P. J. Phillips},
   TITLE = {Empirical Evaluation Techniques in Computer Vision},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
   YEAR = {1998}

   AUTHOR = {Ayres, F{\'a}bio Jos{\'e} and Rangayyan, 
                       Rangaraj Mandayam},
   TITLE = {Performance analysis of oriented feature 
   BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI},
   YEAR = {2005},
   PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
   MONTH = {October},
   ACCESSDATE = {2005, Dec. 06},
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {Rogerio S. Feris and Volker Krueger and M. Cesar-Jr., R.},
   TITLE = {A wavelet subspace method for real-time face tracking},
   JOURNAL = {Real-Time Imaging},
   YEAR = {2004},
   PAGES = {339--350},
   VOLUME = 10,
   ISSUE = 6,
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Van De Ville, D. and Blu, T. and Unser, M.},
   TITLE = {Integrated Wavelet Processing and Spatial Statistical Testing of
         {fMRI} Data},
   JOURNAL = {NeuroImage},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {23},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {1472--1485},
   MONTH = {December},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {L. da F. Costa and M. Cesar-Jr., R.},
   TITLE = {Shape analysis and classification: theory and practice},
   PUBLISHER = {CRC Press},
   YEAR = {2001}

   AUTHOR = {A. Arnéodo and N. Decoster and S. G. Roux},
   TITLE = {A wavelet-based method for multifractal image analysis. {I}.
   {M}ethodology and test applications on isotropic and anisotropic random rough
   JOURNAL = {The European Physical Journal B},
   PAGES = {567-600},
   YEAR = {2000},
   VOLUME = {15},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Tai Sing Lee},
   TITLE = {Image Representation Using 2{D} Gabor Wavelets},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
   VOLUME = {18},
   NUMBER = {10},
   PAGES = {959-971},
   YEAR = {1996},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {B. S. Manjunath and W. Y. Ma},
   TITLE = {Texture Features for Browsing and Retrieval of Image Data},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
   VOLUME = {18},
   NUMBER = {8},
   YEAR = {1996},
   ISSN = {0162-8828},
   PAGES = {837--842},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {J.-P. Antoine and P. Carette and R. Murenzi and B. Piette},
   TITLE = {Image analysis with two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform},
   JOURNAL = {Signal Processing},
   PAGES = {241-272},
   YEAR = {1993},
   VOLUME = {31},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Rioul, O. and Vetterli, M.},
   TITLE = {Wavelets and Signal Processing},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine},
   MONTH = {October},
   YEAR = 1991,
   VOLUME = 8,
   ISSUE = 4,
   PAGES = {14--38},
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {A. Grossmann},
   TITLE = {Wavelet transforms and edge detection},
   BOOKTITLE = {Stochastic Processes in Physics and Engineering},
   PUBLISHER = {D. Reidel Publishing Company},
   YEAR = {1988},
   EDITOR = {S. Albeverio and P. Blanchard and M. Hazewinkel and L. Streit},
   PAGES = {149--157}

   AUTHOR = {Richard O. Duda and Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork},
   TITLE = {Pattern Classification},
   PUBLISHER = {John Wiley and Sons},
   YEAR = {2001}

   AUTHOR = {S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas},
   TITLE = {Pattern Recognition},
   PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
   YEAR = {1999}

   AUTHOR = {K. Fukunaga},
   TITLE = {Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition},
   PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
   YEAR = {1990}

   AUTHOR = {Z. M. S. Corrêa AND R. C. Jr. Eagle},
   TITLE = {Aspectos patológicos da retinopatia diabética},
   JOURNAL = {Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia},
   PAGES = {410--414},
   YEAR = {2005},
   VOLUME = {68},
   ISSUE = {3},
   HTTP = {[](}

   AUTHOR = {T. Y. Wong and W. Rosamond and P. P. Chang and D. J. Couper and A. R. Sharrett and L. D. Hubbard and A. R. Folsom and R. Klein},
   TITLE = {Retinopathy and Risk of Congestive Heart Failure},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of the American Medical Association},
   PAGES = {63--69},
   YEAR = 2005,
   VOLUME = 293,
   NUMBER = 1,
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {M. C. Boelter AND M. J. de Azevedo AND J. L. Gross AND J. Lavinsky},
   TITLE = {Fatores de risco para retinopatia diabética},
   JOURNAL = {Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia},
   PAGES = {239--247},
   YEAR = {2003},
   VOLUME = {66},
   ISSUE = {2},
   HTTP = {[](}

   AUTHOR = {C. P. McQuellin and H. F. Jelinek and G. Joss},
   TITLE = {Characterisation of fluorescein angiograms of retinal fundus using mathematical morphology: a pilot study},
   BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference on Ophthalmic Photography},
   PAGES = {152},
   ADDRESS = {Adelaide},
   YEAR = {2002}

   AUTHOR = {S. J. Lee and C. A. McCarty and H. R. Taylor and J. E. Keeffe},
   TITLE = {Costs of mobile screening for diabetic retinopathy: A practical framework for rural populations},
   JOURNAL = {Aust J Rural Health},
   YEAR = {2001},
   PAGES = {186-192},
   VOLUME = {8},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {H. R. Taylor and J. E. Keeffe},
   TITLE = {World blindness: a 21st century perspective},
   JOURNAL = {British Journal of Ophthalmology},
   YEAR = {2001},
   VOLUME = {85},
   PAGES = {261-266},
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {J. J. Kanski},
   TITLE = {Clinical Ophthalmology: A systematic approach},
   PUBLISHER = {Butterworth-Heinemann},
   YEAR = {1989},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   PAGES = {465-479}

   AUTHOR = {E. J. Sussman and W. G. Tsiaras and K. A. Soper},
   TITLE = {Diagnosis of diabetic eye disease},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of the American Medical Association},
   VOLUME = {247},
   PAGES = {3231-3234},
   YEAR = {1982},
   URL = {}

   AUTHOR = {K. Rothaus AND AND  X. Jiang AND P. Rhiem},
   TITLE = {Separation of the retinal vascular graph based upon structural knowledge},
   JOURNAL = {Image and Vision Computing},
   YEAR = {2008},
   NOTE = {In press},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {E. Grisan AND M. Foracchia AND A. Ruggeri},
   TITLE = {A Novel Method for the Automatic Grading of Retinal Vessel Tortuosity},
   JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
   YEAR = {2008},
   VOLUME = {27},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {310--319},
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {H. F. Jelinek AND M. J. Cree AND J. J. G. Leandro AND J. V. B. Soares AND R. M. Cesar-Jr. AND A. Luckie},
   TITLE = {Automated segmentation of retinal
   blood vessels and identification of proliferative diabetic
   JOURNAL = {Journal of the Optical Society of America A},
   YEAR = {2007},
   VOLUME = {24},
   NUMBER = {5},
   PAGES = {1448-1456},
   HTTP = {}

   AUTHOR = {Cemil Kirbas and Francis Quek},
   TITLE = {A review of vessel extraction techniques and algorithms},
   JOURNAL = {ACM Comput. Surv.},
   VOLUME = {36},
   NUMBER = {2},
   YEAR = {2004},
   ISSN = {0360-0300},
   PAGES = {81--121},
   DOI = {},
   PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}

   AUTHOR = {Li, H. and Hsu, W. and Lee, M. L. and Wang, H.},
   TITLE = {A piecewise {G}aussian model for profiling and differentiating retinal vessels},
   YEAR = {2003},
   PAGES = {1069--1072},
   VOLUME = 1,
   DOI = {}

   AUTHOR = {Gonzalez, Rafael C. and Woods, Richard E.},
   TITLE = {Digital Image Processing},
   YEAR = {2002},
   PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}

   AUTHOR = {L. Pedersen and B. Ersbøll and K. Madsen and M. Grunkin and U. Skands and M. Larsen and N. Christoffersen},
   TITLE = {Quantitative measurement of changes in retinal vessel diameter in ocular fundus images},
   JOURNAL = {Pattern Recogn. Lett.},
   VOLUME = {21},
   NUMBER = {13-14},
   YEAR = {2000},
   ISSN = {0167-8655},
   PAGES = {1215--1223},
   DOI = {},
   PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science Inc.}