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Full Redesign

Because of a big disillusion with visual basic licenses and a change of job, i had to put the project on hold for a long time, now i have a little time again and I'm going to try to put life in this again.
But not just that. The program will be redesigned, it will be made web based, I'm seriously thinking in php. Take a look at the new relational model in the project home page ( and please make any suggestion you consider nessesary, now it's the time.

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-07-16

MySQL Support

The first beta version will be introducing MySQL databases support, the current snapshots (0.0.17sx) already include this feature if you want to start giving it a try

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-03-11

Retailer.Org alpha 3 Released

The third alpha of Retailer.Org has been released, hopefully this will be the last alpha (unless there are to many stuffs missing and bugs), so please report any bugs and thoughts about the project

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-03-09

Retailer.Org alpha 2 released

a second alpha has been released, just a couple of minor bug fixes and functionalities, also a french translationa has been added

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-03-07

Retailer.Org Alpha version released

a first alpha version (0.0.14) of retailer.Org has been released, with some new functionalities added, a LOT of bugfixes from the pre alpha snapshots, and an improved interface.

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-03-01

Retailer.Org 0.0.13 pre-Alpha Released

Fixed a huge screw up in the code that was possible keeping the installers and source from finding the database in other machines, they should work fine now, if they doesn't please report it in the forums or in the bugs section.
also added a couple of functionalities and improved the interface.

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-02-27

Retailer.Org 0.0.12 pre-Alpha Released

a new preview release has been uploaded, not much new functionality yet but a lot of improvements to the interface, please comment any thoughts on the forums. also a home the begginings of a project home page:, hopefully a real alpha release will be soon (please help me :D)

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-02-26

Retailer.Org 0.0.11 pre-Alpha Released

Retailer.Org is a program aimed at converting in an easy to use Point of Sales program for retailers

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-02-22

Retailer.Org first preview release

a preview version of is already available in the site. Retailer.Org is a program destiated to be used by all kind of retailers in their point of sales, designed to be used fastly and easy, and to use barcode scanners

Posted by FrankKhan 2006-02-15